Chapter 1: "It seems we are going to fall in love Cinnamon."

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I used to live in Vegas. I was the schools badass. I was fucking awesome. My parents made me change when we moved her during the summer. Lucy has been my best friend since birth and she moved with me.

I show the piece of red metal to the assistant principal at the door and she checks me off.

"We're in the gym. Good luck."

I simply nod because I don't care. I lift my sunglasses onto my head as I trek down the hallway, stopping by my locker. I put my purse in there, shoving my Samsung Galaxy s5 in my back pocket.

All the senior females are dressed up and even the guys are dressed up.

Everyone gapes at me when they see me in shorts and a sweater.

I walk over to Lucy, who is on the bleachers in a pink dress.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" She demands.

I roll my eyes. "I'm not going to dress up for this bullshit." I say.

"This is one of the biggest days of your life!"

"I'm aware."

The principal walks into the gym. Everyone sits down and falls silence when he clears his throat in the microphone.

"Attention students," he says. "Good news. Nobody forgot their pieces and everyone is here. So this is how it is going to work." He says. "We're going to move to the courtyard and we are going to let you loose. When you find your match, move to the side. Afterwards, we are going to the beach."

I snicker at all the girls in their preppy little dresses and the guys in their nice dress shoes. You fuckers can't sit down without worrying about ruining your dress. Oh, I'm going to enjoy this.

There are only two males not dressed up and I can't see them, but everyone is whispering about it. I don't even know who they are because they aren't saying a name.

I don't care anyways.

"Okay. Let's go." He says. Everyone gets up and voices are hysterical and girls are freaking out and hyperventilating. Lucy looks scared, and I bet I look nervous. I am nervous, but I don't care all that much.

"I hope I get Carter or Ryan!"

Ah, the school bad boys, Carter Harris and Ryan Grayson. I hate both of them because they have what I want. They get the leather and the reputation.

I hope to god I don't get them.

"Okay! Mingle!"

Lucy looks at me, horrified. "I'm so scared." She whispers.

I gulp. "It'll be quick. Just go over there, ask to see theirs, and if it doesn't work just walk off.

"I'm staying with you." she says.

"No way. People are gonna think we're both fucking lesbians."

She sighs and walks away.

I don't.

A random guy approaches me. He's not attractive at all.

He checks the pieces and they don't even fit. My little grove is shaped weird, like a legit deformed heart, and his is just boring and rounded.

People run around. I sigh and decide to mingle.

"Let me see." I say to some guy. Nobody has found their match.

They don't fit. I hand him his piece and walk off without a word.

Ryan Grayson approaches me.

It doesn't fit, but it's close, so close that my heart speeds up and my hands start to sweat.

He sighs, grumbling about how stupid this is as he walks off.

Another guy approaches me.

People are starting to find their matches and soon enough, there's only about ten people left.

Lucy is one of them. I look at her in worry. She looks like she's going to puke.

I'm about to go over to her when a hand closes around my wrist.

She's watching me. I don't even look at the guy because I don't care. He grabs the piece and they connect.

I look up and he has brown eyes that allure me because I don't find brown eyes attractive because my eyes are brown.

"It seems we are going to fall in love, Cinnamon."


I'm sneaking my laptop at 12:25 in the morning to post this.

Comments are greatly appreciated.

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