Tony Stark X Reader

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When Tony first met you never in his life did he ever think that you would give him the time of day. I mean let's face it Tony could have any woman he wants but you were so out if his league according to him and yeah maybe a whole lot of other people too. Which is crazy right, anybody being out of Tony's league. You were the third generation professor of ancient studies with many relics found by you that were thought to be long gone or some stolen and never found. A legacy that was started by your great grandfather, your grandmother a princess so you also had royal blood running through your veins. Despite that you worked very hard to earn respect for yourself without the help of your family name. Another thing Tony was seventeen when he graduated at MIT but you were fifteen when you went to Harvard. So for the first time in his life he really felt so out of place and slightly intimidated. You met through SHIELD. Whilst being a professor was something you enjoyed greatly hunting forgotten relics was even more exciting, you did not just find ancient relics to be exhibited in the museums around the world you also found relics that put you under SHIELD's radar, the alien kind of relics. At first SHIELD thought you stumbled upon one by chance but soon learned that in fact you knew exactly what you were doing. To avoid such items on landing on the wrong hands and despite Director Fury asking 'nicely' you refused to back off, so SHIELD created a division to store these items with you being a part of it. That went sideways though when SHIELD fell but that's a story for another day.

After the Avengers where formed you would assist in some of their missions in recovering alien relics sort after by Hydra and in record time too and Tony could not help but be drawn to you. You got to spend some time with the Avengers and Tony was by far the most arrogant, egotistical, self-centered, son of have ever met in your life. Through your work you have met a lot of people but he took the cake in that category. But the little shit grew to be quite charming with every flirtatious comments he said to you. Everyone was surprised mostly him when you agreed to go on a date with him. You have been dating the infamous Tony Stark for eight months now. You were also teaching at NYU now just so to be close to him and the other Avengers.

You were living with Tony and the rest of the Avengers at the compound, it was fun it could get a little chaotic sometimes but you were family. You were preparing to leave for school packing up your things that you will need. You walked out of your shared bedroom walking to the kitchen to grab something to eat for the road. When you reached the kitchen Steve and Bucky were sitting at the kitchen table eating pancakes with orange juice, Clint, Sam and Rhodey were sitting on the couch also having plates of pancakes.
"Morning guys", you put your bags on top of the table as a chorus of mornings followed. Grabbing Steve's juice, "Where's everybody else", you drank all of it while Steve gave you a disapproving look with Bucky snickering beside him. "Not sure", answered Clint.
"Maybe still sleeping I guess", Sam added.
"Hey!!", the three men turned at the sound of Bucky's voice only to see you shoving a fork full pancake from his plate in your mouth. It was Steve's turn to snicker while you put your hands in a prayer position and pointing at your wrist watch before grabbing your bags heading towards the garage door waving goodbye to the boys. "Bye", they all responded except Bucky who still had his mouth hanging open.
"If you didn't get that she said sorry I'm running late", Nat said entering the kitchen and mimicking your movements. The boys all choked on their food, "Jesus Nat when did you get here", Clint coughed out. Nat just chuckled.

Reaching the garage you went to your car opening up the door and haphazardly throwing everything on the passenger seat but before entering you heard footsteps approaching your form, turning around you see Tony. "Hey you were gonna leave without seeing me", Tony pouted.
"I'm so sorry I am running really late...why am I even apologizing you were supposed to wake me", you slap his shoulder.
"Ouch okay that's totally my fault but I will make it up to you I promise", he said holding your hands and you nodded.
"I just wanted to tell you that tonight we're going out I've booked a reservation for eight so don't forget okay"

"I won't now please let me go I am running really really late"

"Not until you kiss me first"


"Just one little kiss"

You sighed and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss wrapping his hands around your waist deepening the kiss, "Tony", you broke the kiss. He put his hands up in surrender backing a few steps away from the car, "I know sorry I just couldn't help myself", you could not help but smile at him and his shenanigans. You got into the car and drove away, "AND DON'T BE LATE", you hit the honk to signal that you heard him.

You reached the university and it was a little chaotic you were late, running around giving lessons, marking papers, attending a stuff meeting. At the end of the day you just wanted to go home and relax in your comfy bed cuddling with Tony. 'Oh gosh right Tony'
You looked at the time on your phone it read 18:55, "Shit", there was no time to go back to the compound to change whatever you were wearing would have to do. Just like in the morning you were grabbing your stuff rushing to your car and throwing everything inside not caring where everything landed. You started the car driving out of the parking lot and grabbing your phone to text Tony.

Tony was pacing back and forth in your shared bedroom looking at his wrist watch it was half past seven already you were nowhere to be seen. You promised you would not be late even if you were you would have called or texted by now. He walked back to the bed picking up his phone no text, no call, he tapped on his phone dialing your number he put it against his ear and it went straight to voicemail.
He threw his phone back on the bed, "Damn it (y/n)". His mind was beginning to torture him when he heard a knock on his door he ran and practically threw the door open hoping to find you on the other side of it, only to reveal a startled Bruce.
"What is it Bruce is (y/n) home yet"
"Hey hey try to calm down okay, I came here because FRIDAY said that your heart rate is increasing real fast. (Y/n) isn't home yet I'm sure she's just stuck in traffic and her battery died or something", Bruce tried to reason with his friend.

"A-and I heard the others say she was in a rush this morning so I'm sure she forgot her charger"

Tony took in a deep breath trying to process what Bruce said to him trying to calm his nerves, at that his phone rang he quickly went to pick it up, "Hello...yes this is Tony speaking....what....where......", the color drained from Tony's face as he spoke on the phone. He did not waste a second after that leaving his phone to drop on the floor and running past Bruce to the garage.
"Boss your heart rate is increasing rapidly faster now", FRIDAY's voice alerted Tony as he was rushing in the hallway not even bothering to wait for the elevator opting to run down the stirs to the garage with Bruce trying to catch up to him.
"Tony wait...crap FRIDAY where is he going"

"To the garage Dr Banner"

"Jesus he's not in a state to be driving FRIDAY stop him"

"I'm afraid I can't do that sir he's asked me to drive him to the hospital Miss (Y/n) has been in an accident"

"Oh God!!", exclaimed Bruce.

"FRIDAY is he gone already"

"He's on route as we speak"

"Tell me when he has arrived at the hospital"

"Will do Dr Banner"

Bruce rushed to the common room, "FRIDAY call everyone to the common room"


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