The One In Which They Are Introduced.

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On the quiet street of Privet Drive lived the Dursley family of Number Four.

There was Petunia, Vernon and Dudley. They loved to think themselves as normal, thank you very much.

But if you looked past all the happy photos of a jolly family, you'd realise that there was a fourth person living there. But not where you'd ever suspect a person to be forced to sleep in.

The cupboard under the stairs.

Ten year old Harry James Potter was a child who was really done with life. He was bitter and jaded boy, due to suffering from the daily abuse he had suffered at the hands of his 'relatives'.

Now you may ask, "Who would let a child sleep in a freaking cupboard?!"

The Dursleys. That's who.

When Harry was one and a half, he was dumped on their doorstep in 1981 by some mystery person.

When he was two his first ever question was how did his parents die. His aunt told him that they were drunks and drug junkies, one day, they were driving drunk with him in the car, they made a wrong move and the car went rolling.

That was how he got the scar on his head.

When he was a three, the beatings began as soon as he began getting more attention from teachers for being well behaved and helpful than the stupid tub of lard that he was deeply ashamed to call his cousin. They only grew worse in intensity when he started doing well in school in terms of grades.

Ever since he was six years old, he had had been forced to do the chores that nobody wanted to do. Mow the lawn. Clean the house. Wash the car. Prune the roses. Make the meals. Tidy the garage. Paint the door a new color.

He was also a laughing stock at primary school, his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon always forced him to wear his whale of a cousin, Dudley's old hand-me-downs which made him look scrawnier than he already was.

The fact that they always denied him food was also a great factor to Harry's scrawniness.

At school, the kids there laughed at his Sellotaped glasses, his ugly seven-sizes-too-big clothes and his ratty sneakers.

No one ever wanted to be friends with 'that Potter boy'.

But Harry didn't mind them. He felt as if he knew that he was much more special than the so called 'average person'. Why do you think he always one upped his cousin in tests?

Harry just wanted to be free. Why was it so hard to obtain it?

* * *

Eleven year old Ron Weasley was tired of his pitiful existence. He was always in the background. He was the sixth son of a large family that was piss poor, but still quite content with life.

What was so remarkable about him? Anything he did, his brothers had already done.

Bill was a Curse-Breaker for Gringotts, the Goblin operated Wizarding Bank of England. And he managed to get Head Boy and Perfect O's for O.W.L.s when he used to attend Hogwarts.

Charlie worked with Dragons all the way in Romania. And he also was made Quidditch Captain at Hogwarts back when he attended.

Percy was made a Fifth Year Gryffindor Prefect.

Even his two prankster twin brothers, Fred and George were renowned for the awesome pranks that he's heard they've committed. And they hold the record of the amount of detentions you're given at Hogwarts. 713 in just three years.

Even his baby sister Ginny had done something remarkable. And that was on the day she was born. She was the first female born into the Weasley family in fifty years!

And what did he himself do? Nothing. He wanted to make a mark to show that Ronald Weasley had been alive, that he did something great — a never before seen move.

His Mum never really had time for him, like one on one. He wanted to be the one that she fawned over for once, having her full attention on him.

His Dad was always busy at work doing silly things with Muggle inventions, taking them apart and putting them back again. He was in his own world most of the time.

He just wanted to be noticed. Is that so wrong?

* * *

No one really liked the eleven year old Hermione Granger. She was what other adults would describe as antisocial or a bit...awkward. The other girls from the all girls private school she went to described her as a "Beaver faced, bookwormy weirdo".

She had been bullied ever since she started school. After trying to make friends for a whole year, she gave up and normally spent her breaks with librarian.

Her parents were the only ones who were there for her and they always made her feel better after coming home from a horrible day at school.

But when Hermione was in the second grade, she HAD made a friend with a girl name Lainey Peterson, but the resident mean girl, Delancey Humphries made sure to "save her from the ugly weirdo, Miss Buckteeth".

And it hurt Hermione greatly to watch her friend turn into one of the girls who made her life hell.

Books were Hermione's only friends now. They let her escape from reality and fall into another world. She felt the character/s' victories and their triumph and felt truly apart of the world they were in.

Hermione just wanted to belong. Is that so bad to ask for?

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