Targets, trips, talks and tests

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I was on an outer-perimeter shift and I found a stake. With a note attached. The stake hadn't pierced the first level of wards but I ordered a re-laying anyway. Especially with the note. Or better yet, threat.

"Alberta. This does not get out. And certainly not to Dimitri. It's simply too dangerous for me not to go, and it's far too dangerous for him not to stay. He's Lissa's sanctioned guardian. I have a feeling they want to target here regardless."

"You know how he'll react."

"He's got a duty to Lissa. Remind him of that. He has a duty to her, I have a duty to everyone else. Right now, to me, 'they come first' means exactly that. 'They' plural. He has her to put first, I have an entire ski lodge to put first. They've turned me into a target too. And they are going to regret it."

"Fine. I'll give you Emil and Yuri." I stared her down until she added, "and Belikov won't find out about the direct target until you're back."

"Thank you. He'd freak more if he knew."

"And the rest of it will be kept out of everyone else's knowledge."

"Thank you."

Two hours later and I was on the road. Heading into danger. The threat had been burned into my brain and I had to do what was needed. Even if it meant keeping my fiancé in the dark, I'd deal with his wrath later- both his mentor and soulmate wrath.

"Rose?" Emil asked cautiously about an hour into the drive.

"Yes Emil?"

"How can you do this to him? Belikov, how can you keep him in the dark about willingly walking into danger, again?"

"Because, his duty is to protect Lissa if danger comes. I've been turned into a target, and I have a feeling they want both of us away from her. I'm un-promised, unassigned, so I have an entire community to protect. 'They come first', plural. I have to put 'them', plural, first. Don't think I'm doing this lightheartedly. I'm doing what I need to, not what I want to. We'll forever be in these sorts of binds. It's something he'll just have to get used to earlier."

"You really want to run back don't you?" Yuri asked. "That's why us? Not for back up, but more like someone to remind you why you're on this trip?"

"Yes. Well, I could use the back up too. And chauffeurs. So, thank you."

"No worries, Rose. At least it's not Alto tagging along." Emil laughed.

"Yeah. You're not wrong." I laughed in agreement.

"Rose? Has he? You know? Defiled you?"

"How can you ask that Emil?"

"Rose. I know he turned down Tasha. Your so-called mother was fuming."

"Still? She was fuming just before my meeting with Alberta this morning. That's nearly twelve hours."

"Yes. Still. She has no clue it's Belikov who has you head-over-heels. Or vice versa. So? Has he or hasn't he kissed you?"

I sheepishly answered, "yes." More than once. And a whole lot more.

"Woohoo! He's manned up a little." Emil excitedly responded.

"Just 'a little'?" Yuri enquired of Emil. "Did you not see the on plane? He's done more than kiss her."

"Say what?!" Emil and I both asked.

"Rose. How anyone misses the power between you two is mind boggling. So, just how much has Belikov manned up?"

"Enough." Enough to take me, enough to propose.

Cabin Change-Up (after first meeting Tasha) (A Vampire Academy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now