Closing the door of her bed room, she quickly dialed her friend Nitya.

Khushi- Hi..Nitya.. Acha listen, all did submit their form who ever going for this school tour??

Nitya- Tomorrow is last date, why?? Are you joining??

Khushi- Yeah.. I thought I should join you guys..

Nitya smiled- We were trying to tell you this only but you were too adamant to understand.

Khushi- Hmm.. But yaar, I don't have any form..

Nitya- That's not a problem, I have extra form with me. You can fill that and deposit. Ok??

Khushi agreed, keeping her phone aside, she laid down on bed pulling the quilt on her covering her totally.


It was Friday night, Anita was sadly packing Khushi's stuffs- Tomorrow Chotey is coming and today you are going!! Is this fair Khushi?? I thought this time we will have some nice time with all kids, but..(she sighed.)

Khushi also felt sad seeing fallen face of Anita. Don't know why Arnav has become too important to avoid for which she is indirectly hurting others. Thought Khushi!! but she was firm in her decision, hugging Anita tightly, she kissed her cheek- Don't be sad na Mumma, next time we will enjoy.

She consoled Anita less, but herself more!!

Arnav had never expected his Mumma, Papa, Di and Karan Jiju would be coming to airport to receive him!! It gave him a nice feeling, feeling of coming to home!! Aarav and Anita kissed his forehead lovingly while Anjali hugged him tightly- Missed you Chotey..

Arnav smiled-Me too..

Karan- I'm in line too buddy!!

Arnav stared back at him, this is the first time he is meeting his Jiju after marriage!! He did not have any good view of his before marriage and he is not even sure if he is wrong or right on his perception. But still he smiled back even though that was not heartedly.

Karan could feel some uneasiness in his behavior each time he meets Arnav. But ignored not wishing to drag that conversation to make situation a bit more uneasy for Arnav. He thought to talk to him later!!

After occupying seats in car, Arnav looked around! All came, but she did not??? Why??

May be she must be at home. He thought himself.

They reached home after some minutes of journey from airport to home. Coming inside, his eyes first did scan around to have a glimpse of her. But she was no where to be seen!! Is she even at home??

Arnav (to Anita)- Mumma, I'll just freshen up and come.

Anita- Yeah Chotey, you must be tired. You go and take shower.

Arnav climbed up the stairs, he was passing by Khushi's room which was adjacent to his, he stopped at the door to her room!! Is she inside?? Arnav was about to open the room but heard from behind from Anjali- Whom are you searching here Chotey?? Khushi is not at home!!

He turned around- Matlab??

Anjali- Mumma was saying, she has gone for her school trip last night.

Arnav- When is she coming back??

Anjali- I don't know correctly but probably in Monday evening.

And if he is right, he also knows the reason behind this plan of her!! She has gone for school trip, and that too then when she knows he would be coming!! Her trip was more important than their meeting now. He could feel his blood boiling in anger!!

She says there is problem in his attitude, then what should she call this behavior of her own??


Khushi giggled with her friends, while enjoying special barbeque dinner. She is having a very good time here, she patted her back on her right decision.

"Khushi, your phone has been ringing for a long time. It's Anjali Di written." Her one of the friend mentioned handing her the cell phone.

Khushi wiped her hands, and dialed Anjali's number coming aside from her friend circle.

Anjali who was helping Anita in kitchen, heard the phone rang. Her hands were covered with flour, she found Arnav passing by, called him in mean time- Chotey..

Arnav stopped- Han Di.

Anjali- Can you please see whose call is this?? My phone is in hall.. here my hands are totally covered with flour..

Arnav nodded, he answered the call without noticing the displaying name- Hello..!!

"Hello Di.." , Khushi's voice reached in his ear..

Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now