Chapter 9

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James POV

It's Monday morning and I'm really exhausted . I spent all last night with my girlfriend , dang she fine.

I spent a lot of my night also thinking about Shawn and Cassie and how they looked so nice together on Saturday . I'm really starting to get jealous but I really don't understand why I care so much , I mean it's just Cassie ugly a%# .

I decided to meet with Shawn after school so I could get some information on him and Cassie , I wanted to know what was going on with them .

Are they a thing ?

"What's up Shawn?"

"Nothing just chilling , happy we out of school I swear teachers be bullshi$ting ."

"Damn right "

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"


"Cassie?? What about her?"

"I saw y'all were together this weekend , I was just wondering about y'all , were suppose to be bros but you haven't told me anything ."

"Well maybe because it isn't anything , I just want that virgin pu$$% man!"

What the heck is wrong with this dude? I thought to myself . I mean yeah I thought some crazy stuff about Cassie but he is saying that it's nothing going on, but it obviously is.

"Oh okay" I said dryly.

Shawn and I ended our meet me up and I went home.

When I walked into my huge home , I didn't see anyone . I was honestly tired of coming home and not seeing neither of my parents they are both busy . They could at lease make time for me .

I ordered pizza , drunk one of my dad beers and took a nap . When I woke up it was 9pm and I have over 10 text messages and 5 missed calls. I decided to call the most important back .

Cassie POV

I decided to give James a chance to talk to me because he tried to reach out to me earlier in school but I declined him .

He didn't answer ,He probably didn't mean it anyways .

Around 9 pm I saw that James was calling me back but I was with Shawn and I didn't want to give off any mixed emotions and wrong ideas so I declined his called and asked Shawn to take me home.

"Come on Cassie one more kiss before you leave "

"Mhm okay" I Leaned over to kiss Shawn and he took complete control over me , I didn't want him to stop it just felt so amazing .

"Shawn" I moaned.

"Yes babe?"

I pulled away from his grip and stood up . Shawn then smacked my butt really hard and I kind of liked it , I knew it was wrong but It was something about it I loved.

"Shawn would you come to bible study with me , if I asked?"

"What's in it for me?"

" A word from God"

Shawn sighed and replied with the statement " I guess so , if that makes you happy."

His comment was a little rude but I accepted it .


When Shawn dropped me off home , I looked down at my phone and realized James sent me a text .

James: Why did you call ? And then not respond to my call ? Huh?

Why is he seeming so needy , I just called to apologize . I wasn't going to call again but I just decided to do it so James wouldn't pull anything in school in front of his slaves.

"What's up "


"Well I was calling you earlier to apologize about how I declined you e--"

" Look I don't care Cassie, alright?

"Well okay James, Goodnight"

"Goodnight "

Well that conversation was weird , I don't have time for James to be acting stupid . I need sleep , I quickly took a shower brushed my hair and went to bed.

The next morning I was 30 minutes late for school , my mom is going to kill me I thought to myself .

When I arrived to school I went straight to AP English and the first person I saw was James . I would usually see him giving me an evil smirk but not this time , he seemed to look worried . Was he worried about where I was I thought to myself but then I realized how ridiculous that was and I shook it off. Mrs. Virginia asked why I was late , so I explained and then took my seat .

When class was over I walked out to my locker and as I was beginning to close my locker I realized James was standing behind it .

"Yes ? May I help you James?"

"Here take this !"

I looked down and it was a slip of paper for AP English , why did Mrs. Virginia assigned us as partners ? Ugh I feel like I'm going to go crazy . James walked away from and gave me a smirk . I hate that boy , I immediately went to Mrs.Virginia and asked her about that project .

" You students will be going to college soon and you will need to learn how to communicate with others who are in a different social group than you are and you and James are a perfect candidate for this project


"No Cassie you want talk yourself out of this one , you are a smart young lady and remember this is your senior project so do your best "

How the heck am I going to do my best when my partner is a spoiled, selfish , idiot I thought to myself .

James : When do you want to start ;) ?

Eww what is wrong with him , I walked down the hall starring at the text James sent me and I immediately bumped into Shawn and James at the same time . Oh my gosh they smelt so good , well I actually think it was Shawn :)


So here is a little update this is nothing like what was written in my notebook haha .. I hope you guys enjoyed , let me know what you think I don't really have any opinions on this book

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