Chapter 1-The Race

Start from the beginning

"Well I guess we should try playing something else because I'm not going out anywhere." I told her
"Really Ali? Why not? I heard it'll be a block party tonight and I wanna go" She said
"No Gravity you know I'm socially awkward. If I showed my face you know they'll kick me out" I complained

"I don't understand why you care about them! Who gon touch you? Nobody. At least not around me I wish a bitch would touch you. Don't worry about them Aliza." She stressed
"No Gravity, I'm not doing it. Can we just go to your house and play board games like we usually do? Please." I replied
"Fine, but next time we going to a party I don't care" she said

We drove to her house and I greeted her family. Gravity came from good roots, they lived in this cute yellow house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. On the other hand I didn't grow up with a bad childhood or with bad roots it was just that my dad was never around. My mom got sick when I was around the age of 13 or 14 years old. I took charge from there and honestly sometimes I wished I lived in a bigger house like Gravity. I hated that damaged house we lived in.

We only had one bathroom, some tile was missing, the paint was dull and peeling, it was just a lot going on. Nowhere a person should stay at, I couldn't complain much though because I was lucky enough to have a roof over my head. That's why every time Gravity and I hung out I always went to her house because I was so embarrassed of my house it made no sense. Gravity been inside once but She didn't judge me. She never judged me about anything only my relationship. Gravity knew my situation from the start and she could only imagine how it was like because her life was the complete opposite.

We walked inside of her room which was full of a whole bunch of girly stuff. It wasn't her style at all.
"Why your room so girly if you don't even like stuff like this? Like it's literally pink and white" I asked her
"They don't know. Well they do but don't want to accept it. They try so hard to make me go straight but that shit don't work. I know I like girls and I'm very sure about it." She said
"Oh wow I never knew that, well you know I support you. I love you for you, you're an awesome person and I'm glad you know who you are" I replied

It was an awkward pause, I was happy that she knew who she was but honestly I wanted to relate. I had no idea who I was, I was this socially awkward girl who felt neglected by society. I knew Gravity and my mom loved me but I wanted male attention. I was smart enough to know that I didn't need it but I was dumb as fuck thinking that just because somebody say they love you or pay you some attention that mean they care for you. The little attention that I was getting didn't do anything but I thought it did.
"I love you too Ali and I know you accept me, so you wanna play uno?" She asked me after the weird silence
"I don't know why you wanna play uno you know I'm going to win" I replied laughing
"Yeah cause you have all that free time on your hands, just be practicing 24/7" she teased

"Don't do me, I don't have a life so leave me alone" I laughed and said
I knew she was throwing low key shade because I'm always home and just taking care of my mom. She was trying to say that Kairo never spent time with me and that was true but it was what it was.
We played Uno, watched movies and took a nap. When we woke up Gravity ended up taking me home. It was about 3 o'clock now and I needed to get home to go take care of my mom.
I got home and she was asleep on the couch with the remote in her hand. I gently grabbed it away from her and covered her more with the blankets. I went in my room and opened up my journal and went to writing about how I felt about the last day of summer. It wasn't the most exciting but I spent it with my best friend and that was all that mattered to me.

Tomorrow was going to be my first day of school and I wasn't ready all because it'll just be like the last three years there. I always thought about transferring from Sunnyvale to Highland park but mom wouldn't let me, she always told me to plant my feet and to not let anybody run me away. She was right but at the same time I still wanted to go, I didn't deserve what they did to me. For encouragement though I made sure to always think about what I'll be in the future.

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