Gokou Ruri (Kuroneko) x Older Brother! Male Reader (Oreimo)

Start from the beginning

- One week later -
- 3rd POV -

A week later after your return, you started to help your family around and you had conversations with your parents. They were happy to learn you're finally done with studies and you're searching a job. For Ruri, she didn't like the idea because yet she's happy to finally see you back again after long years without your presence but now, you will have to leave once again when you finally find a job. She really wants to make up time with you.

Today, your parents decided to bring your young siblings to the park so they let you and your eldest young sister handling the house which means you and Ruri are alone. Ruri already noticed it the last part and she decided to give you a visit in your old room in order to have a serious conversation with you.

When she got here, she saw you searching things on the Internet with your headphones on. You didn't hear her approaching you and as soon as she got closer to you, she grabbed your shoulder and made you surprised and fortunately, your headphones didn't get unplugged off.

"W-What do you want ?" You asked her while trying to catch your breath and remove your headphones off your head and she sat on the bed.

"(Y/N), I will get straight to the point. I don't like when you have to leave once again." Ruri said and you noticed she's sad. You remembered her expression back when you had to leave. You wished you don't want to see it anymore.

"I know but you see, I need to leave the house. I'm an adult now." You told her and unfortunately, she got more sadder.

Seeing her in this state made hurt your heart. You don't like seeing your siblings sad. All you wanted is to do your role as a big brother and to support them in any ways.

"...Hey, if I told you I will stay here, will you be happy ?" You asked her and she looked at you.

"R-Really ?" She asked you and you nodded with certitude. She let out a smile and she hugged you.

"D-Don't get me wrong, I-I just wanted to thank you." She said and you smiled.

Maybe you will give up on jobs for now but at least, you're happy to see your little sister smiling.

When your parents came back with your young siblings, you told them you will stay here to keep Ruri company and unexpectedly, they agreed with you and they told you how much she and the others kids felt lonely without you.

Now, Ruri got happy and talked about her favorite anime with you and gradually, she grew fond of you and a certain friend noticed it.

- A few weeks laters -
- In a manga café -

"Hey Kuroneko, do you love (Y/N) ?" Kirino asked the gothic girl which made her nearly spilled her drink.

"W-What are you talking about !? T-There's no way I'm loving him and we're both siblings !" Kuroneko tried to refuse with everything she got into her mind but it didn't keep Kirino to smirk and disturb the place.

"I mean, you often talk more about him than your thing." Kirino told her and Kuroneko felt her face flustered.

"S-Shut up and this thing is Maschera...Don't you dare to insult it once again." The gothic girl said and Kirino pouted while drinking.

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