Caught Between

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Luna's POV:

"Then take off the fucking ring!"

Elijah voiced out with anger as he marched his way towards me! Quickly grabbing my hand, held it between us as he looked into my eyes with rage! We both then looked at the ring that I still wore and silence came upon us...

"Let me go," I quietly said while bringing my hand into a tight fist.

Feeling a sudden knot form in my throat, my hands were trembling and I couldn't bring myself to take off the ring he gave me years ago. I wasn't strong enough yet because I was still holding on to the past, our past...

"You can't do it, can you?"

He said while placing a light kiss on my ring finger, he then knocked on the door behind me as he finally lets go of my arm. The knob I was holding was then pulled away from me as the door began to open!

"Yes, my Lord."

Carla suddenly spoke from behind me as she bowed...

"Escort her downstairs and don't let her out of your sight."

He ordered Carla to do as he left one final kiss on my cheek before turning himself around to enter the bathroom. Wiping my cheek, I looked at Eli's back to notice a huge scar across it! It looked extremely painful even after it's been healed. I wonder how he got that scar to begin with?

"Yes, my Lord. Now then, if you will please follow me, my Lady."

Carla insisted as she waited for me to follow her. Looking down at my ring, I felt a bit of warmth as I placed my hand close to my chest. There's a reason why I still wear this ring, but why do I feel so guilty about it?

Following Carla along the hall, I tried hard to pay attention to my surroundings this time. I had to know what rooms were what and what hallways I should take to get down to the dungeon floors! My plan was still to try to break Ren free from his cellar, but I still didn't know how I was going to do that? As we continued walking, the silence between Carla and I was becoming awkward. So I tried to make light conversation, but she wasn't much of a talker...

"Hey, umm...that scar on Eli-"

"It is not my place to talk about my King."

She bluntly stated before I could even finish asking my question. So I tried asking her something else as we began to go downstairs...

"Alright, well can you at least explain to me what is going on tonight?"

I asked as I admired the beauty of the ballroom I was approaching, the chandeliers lit up so brightly that they reflected the windows like bright shooting stars almost...

"Tonight will be the feast of giving. The king wants you to witness the kingdom he controls, and the bloodshed that he can cause if you wronged him. Which by the way, put this on, while I place this around your neck..."

She explained as she turned herself around to face me, taking one last step down the stairs she handed me a red blindfold and then wrapped a collar around my neck! I was confused yet frightened by what I heard her say, will I see something tonight that will traumatize me for the rest of my life?! But most importantly...

"Why do I have to wear this red blindfold? Am I not supposed to see what happens tonight?"

I asked while gripping the fabric in my hand worriedly...

"This red fabric has been soaked in his king's blood. It will allow you to still see once you cover your eyes with it. However, the king does not want warlocks from the outside to see what you look like. So please, think of it as keeping your identity a safe secret from other demons." She said as she clipped the choker around my neck. Carla then took a few steps back and took a bow before she walked towards the many tables and began preparing them.

His Demonic Possession: Demonic Series (Book 1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now