"He didn't believe me." Ben exhaled, "So, I show him a photo of Winnie." He grinned, showing us his screen saver. It was a photo of Winnie in a bathing suit beside the pool. I look at her and lift a brow. She was still quiet.

"He still didn't believe me." Ben sighs once more. "So, I invited Winnie for dinner."

"You met his family?" I asked Winnie.

She glanced at me briefly, "Yeaaaah," she responded but didn't say anything else.

"And?" Trevon asked.

"They thought I paid her," he said.

No one rebuttal.

"Then?" Mary question.

Ben giggled like a little girl. His face turned slightly red as he scratched his head. "She told everyone I was her boyfriend." He grinned proudly. "Dad called all his friends on video chat. You know, just in case they call bullshit. Mom started crying. Grandma started praying to Buddha. Grandpa...well, he fell asleep. Then we all had a party this Saturday with all of my relatives and parents/grandparents' friends to show them that I am not lying."

A few girls walk up to Ben and tap his shoulder. I noticed how Winnie was frowning. "Ben? Right?"

He nodded, "Uh. Yeah. Hi?" I'm assuming he doesn't know them.

Winnie rolled her eyes and brushed his arm off. "I'm going home."

"Oh," Ben scratched his head, blowing up his already chubby cheeks. "I was wondering if, maybe as your boyfriend, I can take you home."

She glances behind him. "No, thanks. I'm going to ride with Ava." She walks towards Trevon's car.

Since when did we agree that we will ride together?

I look at Winnie's back before reverting my gaze towards a disappointed Ben. "Well, see you," I said, handing Eli his phone back. I grab Trevon by the shirt and pull him away.

Sitting inside the car, the three of us were completely quiet, listening to the radio's senseless music. "So, you met Ben's family," I said slowly while Trevon clutches onto the wheel with his eyes strain on the road.

Winnie sat in the back, staring out the window. She exhales, blowing hot air into the already fog glass. "Yeah."

"How was it?"

"It was...whatever."

I glance at the side view mirror again to see Winnie completely lost in the view outside. Trevon stops in front of Winnie's house. "Thanks for the ride, nerd. See you, Av," Winnie said, before walking into her house.

"What's wrong, Av?" Trevon asked.

"I may sleepover with Winnie tonight, but I don't know, so wait for me," I said. I step out of the car before Trevon can respond. "Hey, Wen!" I screamed.

She turns around, "What's up?"

"Mind if I stay over tonight?"

Winnie's eyes drift from left to right as her perfectly manicured hand clench onto the gym bag. She plastered a sweet fake smile, "Not tonight, Av. Sorry."

"Why not?"

"I'm...having a family thing."

I smile, "That's...unfortunate."

"Yeah...umm, sorry!" She began playing with the earrings on her ear. "I'll see you at school tomorrow?" She grips onto her shirt.

"Yeah. Tomorrow."

I watch as Winnie walks into the house. The one that doesn't belong to her. The one where her mom works as a maid. The one where her mom bends over for a man that's not her father. The one where that man began eyeing on her.

Exhaling, I retreat to Trevon's car.

Near the end of junior year of high school, Winnie and I went our separate ways. It wasn't one of those peaceful separations - no.

I threatened her, saying how I will expose her real life.

How she isn't from a perfect upper-middle-class family.

Her mom is a maid who spread her legs for the boss.

Her dad is...someone who threw them away.

Her so-called best friend is someone who pushed her down because of a pitiful fight.

"Look...Ava, I like Luke as much as the next girl. He is fine with a capital F, and that bitch Mina is...well a hoe for stealing him from you. But, don't you think you're taking this too far?"

I applied my red lipstick, "Bitch got it coming."

"You threaten to shove her head in the toilet again if she doesn't leave town."

"She should be grateful. I gave her a makeover." I threw the lipstick back inside my pouch. "Anyways, who's side are you on?"

"You know, I'm on your side. But, what you're doing is-"

"What the fuck do you know? You're a maid's daughter."

She stood there, momentarily stunned at my harsh words. "Av-"

I zip up the makeup bag, "Step back, or I'll make you step back."

"W-What are you saying?"

"I'm just saying, it will suck that the whole school knows you're scrubbing toilets for a living."

After that, Winnie silently retreated. She quit cheerleading, and after graduating from school, she disappeared.

In a few months, Winnie will confine me and tell me the truth about her life. She trusted me, and I used her trust as blackmail.

"So, I'm assuming no sleepover?" Trevon question.

"Yeah. Not today."

He blew out a low whistle, "Nice place she owns."

"Yeah. It looks nice."


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