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"Ekkkkkk!" I woke up when I heard Cassie's scream and stumbled out of my bed when I realized she wasn't next to me. I ran into the living room to find her standing in front of a window with what looked like one of the infected people banging on the glass. I grabbed Cassie's arm and pulled her away from the window.

"Is that one of the sick people?" Cassie stuttered, holding back tears.

"It looks like it's been rotting for years..." I whispered

"Is it dead?"

"I don't know. I think it was but its alive now. Get in our room and stay away from the windows. I don't want it to hurt you."

It was growling and grunting as it ferociously pounded against the living room window. Luckily our windows were somewhat thick and hard to break without a strong tool. The infected 'thing' looked like it was a woman when it was alive. It's clothes were torn and blood was caked on its gray rotting skin. It's jaw was mangled and its eyes were a cloudy white.

It lurched its whole body against the window and I jumped back and tripped over myself. I landed on the floor but quickly pulled myself up.It was staring up at me with its lifeless eyes and clawing at the glass with its hand which were covered in dry blood. I gagged just looking at it.

I stood back up and turned around to see Cassie standing in the door way to the living room watching the infected thing try to get into the house. She started sobbing and I walked over to comfort her. I wrapped my arms around a her and led her back into our room.

She sat on her bed and cradled her favorite stuffed animal named Mr.Unicorn in her arms like a baby and was rocking him back and forth.

"I'm kinda hungry, are you?" I asked to try to get her mind of the infected outside.

"I guess I'm kinda hungry."

"I'll go get something from the kitchen."

I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I searched the cabinets for something that would be a good snack.

"Do you want chips or a granola bar?" I shouted to Cassie.

"Chips please."


Crash! Suddenly I heard glass shatter in the living room. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from screaming and dropped to the ground. I quickly crawled under the dining room table (which was only a few feet away) , pushed the white embroidered table cloth to the side and hid under the table. I heard foot steps walking and stumbling through the house. When they stopped after a few minutes, I got out from under the tabled cloth and warily walked into the living room. I saw that the glass from the window had been broken and was all over the floor but the infected was no where in sight.

"Cassie! Lock the door and stay inside our bedroom!" I yelled through the house.

"Why? What happened?" she shouted back sounding concerned.

"The infected broke in through the window! Just lock the door and don't come out unless I say so."

I cautiously walked into the kitchen and grabbed a sharp steak knife. I carefully crept back into the living room. I knew I had to kill it before Cassie could come out of the room but the problem was I didn't know where it was or how to kill it.

Thud. I heard something large fall in the bathroom. Step by step I made my way to the bathroom and the door was wide open. I peeked my head around the corner and saw the pale gray infected lying on the bathroom floor with a bloody hole through its head.

What could have done this? I thought to myself.

I soon realized that there was only one possibility. Me and Cassie we no longer alone in this house.

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