Chapter 18

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    This entire chapter idea is credited to @Unicornangel1708. Again thank you so much for giving me this awesome idea! Now on with the the story!
    I woke up to someone pounding on my bedroom door. It's been a couple of days and I'm finally able to walk around without a limp in my step. I still feel pain but that's only if I don't take my medication on time.
    I groaned, "Please leave. I want sleep."
    The pounding happened again, I rubbed my eyes, groaning. "Alright I'm coming!" I shouted, slipping out of bed.
    I opened the door to see America with a bright smile, he adjust his sunglasses before saying, "Good morning."
    I sigh, "What do you need America and no we can't go get McDonalds for breakfast."
    "That's not what I was going to say." America said, giving me a confused look. He then cleared his throat, "Anyway, breakfast is ready downstairs. You better hurry up before it's all gone." America turned around and walked away.
    I quickly close the door and changed into a (f/c) sweater, putting it over my head gently and over my bandages. The sweater felt soft against my bruised skin, the bruises around my neck had already faded into almost nothing so I don't have to worry about hiding them.
I wore skinny jeans as well, slipping them on. I then walked out of my room, and down the stairs. As soon as I walked into the kitchen to go into the dining room table, I instantly get hit in the face with the small of bacon. My mouth beginning to water as many more delicious smells get mixed in with the bacon.
Plates of breakfast foods were scattered around the table. I went up to the last empty chair which was at the end of the table, Soviet being right across from me.
"What's the occasion?" I ask, sitting down in my seat. The empty plate and glass of (f/b/d) laying in front of me.
"Well we heard it's someone's special day!" South exclaimed with excitement.
I raised an eyebrow, confused, "Huh?"
"It's your birthday!" France cheered, throwing up his hands.
My eyes widened, oh shoot! It was my birthday wasn't it!? "You guys didn't have to do this! A normal breakfast would've been fine!" I said, twirling a piece of my hair in embarrassment and nervousness.
"But we wanted to, and we have something planned for ya." Russia said with a wink.
My shocked expression faded into a calm smile. "Thank you guys." I said, smiling to each one of them.
"Now let's dig in!" France exclaimed, grabbing a few things off the plates. Everyone followed his lead, exchanging happy and cheerful conversations.
     "So what do you guys have planned?" I asked, mentally praying that it wasn't a giant party.
    "That's a secret." Russia answered with a mischievous smile.
    I sigh, hoping that they didn't take me anywhere that relates to a party or anything along those lines. Wait... how did they know my birthday was today?
    I thought for a moment, then it clicked. Benjamin must've told them, when I went to get Grey for him. 'I'm an idiot!' I groaned inside my head as I ate a piece of bacon.
    After breakfast, Britain and Phil shoved me out of the kitchen as the others began to clean up. "But guys! I can help clean up to!" I protested, trying to fight back against the two countries. Key word, tried.
    "Nonsense, today is your birthday. Which means you get to relax and not have to worry about anything." Britain answered with a smile.
    "Besides we want to do this. Think of it as a thank you." Phil said from my other side.
    I groaned, but allowed them to drag me to the living room. "Quick question." I look over at Britain. "Where are the two vans keys?" He asked.
    "Um in the bowl on by the door." I answered, pointing at the (f/c) bowl on top of a small white table by the front door.
    "Thank you darling." Britain said, walking over to the bowl.
    "Hey (Y/N)." I look over at Phil, a black blindfold in his hands.
    "Why are you blindfolding me?" I questioned before he could say anything.
    "Because you can't see where we are going till we get there. Or else it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" Phil replied with a smirk.
    I sighed, gesturing for him to go ahead. He then tied the blindfold over my eyes, tying it around my head tightly. Making sure it wasn't too loose, he gave it a small tug. He then took my hand into his and guided me out of the house.
I heard more feet following behind me as Phil led me to a car. Helping me over to what I guess was the passenger side, opening the car door for me.
I stepped into the car door, and buckled the seat belt. I heard the car door shut and another one open from my left.
"You excited?" I recognized Germany's voice instantly.
"How can I be excited for something I don't know?" I asked with a smile.
Germany chuckled, "I - We think you'll love it. It's right up your alley."
I then feel the car rolling backwards, hearing everyone chit chat. I could recognize Reich's, North's, Phil's, France's, and South's voices. Everyone else must be in a different car.
    We were on the road for at least twenty minutes, everyone seemed to quiet down after ten minutes.
    The car parked and I could feel someone untying the blindfold. Once the blindfold fell from my eyes I winced at the sudden light.
I blinked, waiting for my eyes to adjust. Once I was able to see again, I gaped in awe.
What I saw before me was a beautiful meadow, the tall grass waving in the wind, flowers wilting among the grass. Trees that surrounded the meadow were changing colors, ranging from different shades of red to yellow and even pink. It was breathtakingly beautiful.
"C'mon." Germany said, getting out of the car. I unbuckled my seat belt, closing my mouth into a smile. I climbed out of the van, closing the door behind me.
    "(Y/N)!" I heard Russia call out from behind. I turned around, looking past Russia to see a large well kept barn. I could hear horses neighing inside, hooves clip clomping on the wooden board.
    "Why do you think?" Russia asked, looking slightly nervous.
    I look back over to him saying, "It's... it's wonderful!" I ran up to him, wrapping my arms around him neck. "Thank you." I mumbled into his ear.
    He hugged me in return, being gentle not to squeeze me too hard. I then unwrap around his neck, lowering my self from my tippy toes.
    I then ran around excitedly, hugging everyone and thanking them. I then sprinted towards one of the workers, Russia having to follow close behind.
"How can I help you?" The worker asked as he stopped raking the hay.
"Yes... I scheduled a...session." Russia gasped, trying to catch his breath, I was still jumping up and down in excitement.
"Ah yes are you Russia sir?" The man asked, raising a brow as he said the name.
That's when I froze, wait... he can see everyone! He'll know they're countries!
I look over at Russia to just now notice he was wearing a red sweatshirt with the imagine dragons logo with his hood up over his own hat.
I looked behind me to notice everyone was wearing sweatshirts or jackets with their hoods up.
"Of course, this must be the special girl. Happy Birthday!" The man exclaimed with a smile.
I let out a sigh of relief, then turned and gave the coworker a smile in return, "Thank you."
"Now follow me, your horses are all read for you out in the pasture. We just have to saddle them up then your good to go." The man said, leading us through the barn. There were many breeds of horses ranging from muscular to lean, black to white, stallion and mare.
They neighed and snorted as we walked past, some of them sticking their head out as if to say hello.
We then came out the other end, to a somewhat fenced in area. I look over to see many horses lined up, nibbling on some grass, tied to a fence waiting for their riders.
"Go ahead and choose your horses! Me and a couple of others will get a saddle for you." The man exclaimed, walking back into the barn to fetch the saddles.
"Go ahead (Y/N), you choose first." South said, gesturing towards the line of horses. I stepped up to a black stallion with white spots scattered across his coat and has a white mane. He was lean, and seemed to be mixed with a trotter and a quarter horse.
    I placed my hand on his neck, getting the horses attention. He looked over at me, then huffed, blowing hot air in my face. I giggled like a little girl seeing a puppy, rubbing the horses neck.
    Britain choose next, stepping up to a magnificent stallion with a black pelt and mane. I recognized the breed immediately as a friesian stallion.
    Soviet stepped up to a bulky horse, doesn't seem much for running but work instead. It's large, white furred hooves stomped the ground as Soviet stepped up. It was definitely a Clydesdale, it's muscular form and body shape unmistakable.
    America stepped up to an Appaloosa, it's dark brown coat ended in splotches by its rear end.
    Reich stepped up to a horse with a auburn coat, a Mecklenburger to be in fact.
    France excitedly bounced over to white mare with a sort of grey mist scattered across her coat. The Percheron neighed in excitement at France's arrival.
    Phil stepped up to a pure white horse with a black muzzle, it nuzzled it's nose into his neck, tickling him. I recognized it as the breed Andalusian.
    North stepped up to a Palomino stallion while his brother South walked up to a light brown Quarter horse with a black mane and white muzzle.
    Germany walked up to a horse besides America, a Thoroughbred at that. Russia stepped up to a horse next to mine which was a tan stallion with a black mane and legs, a Aztecs horse.
    Poland was the last to choose as he expertly choose the French Trotter. Most likely the same breed he plays polo with.
    The employee and a couple of his coworkers came out with saddles, placing them on each of the horse.
    "To reach the trail you want to go through the meadow and go between those two rocks right there." The man said, gesturing to two large rocks at the border line of the meadow I saw earlier. "Then you should see a dirt trail, follow it and you'll be fine. Enjoy your ride!" The man finished, opening the gated and untying our horses... well some of our horses. Soviet, Reich, America, Britain, and France already had there's untied and we're getting on their horses.
    I jumped onto my own, a bit rusty but everything is coming back to me. Once everyone was on their horses, Soviet took the lead, letting his horse go at a slow trot. Reich followed behind him, while America took to my side showing me how to get my horse up to a trot.
    Honestly the highest speed I ever gone with a horse is ... walking. Not anything else because my overprotective brother never gave me the chance.
    "Hey America!" Russia called out, guiding his horse to America's side. "You going a bit slow there."
    America raised a brow, "What you want me to go faster you something?"
    "I want a race. I bet I can beat you." Russia stated, holding his head up high.
    I rolled my eyes, boys. America smirked, "Your on."
    "(Y/N) you start us off." Russia said, getting himself ready.
    I rolled my eyes, "On your mark!" Everyone began paying attention to us, giving us confused looks. "Get set.....GO!" I yelled.
    They bolted off, speeding past both Reich and Soviet. "Russia! America slow down!" Soviet ordered.
    But the two ignored him completely, America easily took the lead, Russia having to slow down to regain his balance on the horse, almost falling off.
    Then America reached the rock, I sped up my horse, going at a slow run. Passing Soviet and Reich.
    Next thing I saw was America falling off his horse and face planted in a bunch of dirt. I couldn't help but burst out laughing.
    "America... haha are you alright!?" I called out in between laughs.
    "Yeah I'm fine." America groaned, standing up and brushing off dirt. This day was already going off great!

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