"I don't want to hear shit about what the bible says Eve, I know what it says".

I stared down at my hands and tried my best to suck up the tears that were due any second, I know my mother ain't shit, I know that already. Apart of me believe that she can get better though, we can be a family and work things out.

"Don't say I never did shit for you", Jade said in a lot aggravated voice. She huffed and pulled onto the highway, making our way to our old hood.


"What's going on?" I asked an old lady who was sitting on her stoop, being as nosey as she wanted to be.

"Oh, some crack head done gone and overdosed again. Nothing new". The lady puckered her lips like she just sucked on lemons and squinted her eyes trying to get s better view.


"Evelyn let's go! That's mommy in the ambulance". She also pointed to the two police cruisers that were slowly arriving.

Damn, that's my Que to get out of here.

Jade mumbled something under her breath as she dodged the police and again pulled into the free way. The whole ride to her house was quiet, she didn't ask me how I was doing, was I okay, nothing. I know Jade can be a heartless bitch, especially because of what she been through trying to take care of us as kids. She shouldn't let that ruin her life though, I know I wouldn't anyway.

"Damn this is your spot?", I opened the door and the smell of sea water smelled so good to me. The house was mostly glass with black curtains concealing the inside. You could see the outline if sang behind her house, she lived behind a beach.

"Here, shower, take whatever you can fit in my closet and lay low till I get back". Jade threw me a spare key and was preparing to get back in her car.

"Where you going? I thought that maybe we could, you know, hang out like old times".

"Later", and she was out.

"This shit is tight, got damn". Jade house was on point, everything was black, white, and gold. Her floors sparkled like they were licked clean, the books on her ceiling to floor book shelf were nearly aligned and not a dust bunny on them. Her house was nothing I ever seen before, this was some magazine type shit.

After all the exploring, I came across my sister room and took the longest shower in my life. It felt so good knowing I didn't have to fuck another nigga in a hour on the hour, it felt good to know nobody was going to be making money off of me again. I was happy and finally free.

"Don't make no sense why she have all these clothes" I said to myself. Everything in her closet was name brand, including the socks, I just needed something to chill in nothing special.

A simple wife beater, girl boxers and socks would have to do until I could get my own clothes. I rolled around Jades huge bed, this had to be two king sized beds side by side because I never seen a bed this wide, and never laid on something this comfortable.

I don't know how Jade was living so comfortable, but I was loving it and willing to do whatever to keep it this way.

"And you are?", said a male voice with the most sexiest accent I ever heard. The seat of the boxers instantly were moist from my lady parts.

"Evelyn, Jades sister", this guy was too fine for words. His jeans were unbuttoned hanging off his waist, water dripping down his bear chest and hair, he smelled like salt water, he must have came from swimming.

"Emilio", he came to my side and reached for my hand, kissing it gently and looking at my like I was the last piece of chocolate on earth. Damn.



What the fuck am I going to do? This shit is not happening, I can not believe this is happening. I know I always had bad luck following me like a stray dog but I figured it would let up after some time. I guess not.

Devin came back into the room with a smile, the fakest smile I ever seen, bitch.

"Now what were you saying sweet heart?".

"Nothing", I said calmly, not wanting to give too much away. I couldn't even feel the labor pains anymore I was so livid. I hate him, I hate all men.

"Ms. Jackson?" A doctor peaked through the door. "Your epidural?".

"Yes, please come in". I waved my hand, I need this dude out.

"I'll be here for you babe", Devin kissed my forehead and walked out the room.

"Doctor, I don't ever want that man back in my room".

After the epidural, I decided to take a walk and give myself a pep talk.

“Alright Ada, this guy is clearly related to Money and only used you for some pussy and money. You know your not going back to that place, never in a million years. You said this before but that's after the fact I shot his fat ass".

"Ada? Is that you?", a lady asked from her room.

I didn't answer.

"Ada? Come here child, let me get a look at you. I know my child when I see them".


I walked into the ladies room, she was small and sunken, you could tell she was extremely ill.

"Child?". I asked. I never even heard about mother, never seen what she looked like or anything, all I knew was foster home after foster home and I been in the system every since I came out my mommas crotch.

"Wow, you look just like me when I was your age. Tell me now, you should be about 22 maybe 23? All the crack I been smoking you would have thought I would have forgotten everything". The lady let out nasty laugh only for a even nastier cough to follow.

"Your my mom?". I sat down in the chair next to her, suddenly feeling weak.

"I know you're wondering why I gave you up, but understand I already had your sister Jade to take care of". She coughed and paused for a moment. "It was already enough that I had Jade, my pimp did not like her so with you, it would have only been a burden on him and I needed money. Of course your sister Evelyn came along soon after so he kicked me out. I just couldn't get an abortion or see my little girl taken away from me again".

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