Author's Note

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I have two things to address in this really short and "non-literature" chapter.

First of all, thank you to all of the open minded souls out there who read this little fanfiction of mine... although it's still a work in progress ^~^ I never expected this many people to read this story I've written up inside my imaginative head of mine... but here we are at 1K views. 

It really does mean a lot to me. It makes me feel inspired to pursue writing even more and delve into it a lot deeper than I intended to at first. Which brings me to the second thing...

I'm really sorry I haven't updated this in a while. Trust me, I think about it all the time.. about new ideas brewing and how I have very little time to write it all down. College is starting up for me soon, and life.... 

life is just hard, you know? 

But trust me when I say that when I really do have the chance, I will continue writing, even if it's in little spurts. 

Thank you to all that continue to follow this story, and I'll keep you guys posted. 



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