Chapter 15

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"My lady, how about this one?" Piper, my new maid, asks eagerly. She holds up a poofy pink dress. I guess it's pretty, but I wrinkle my nose.

"Piper, it's a little... much. I don't really like big ball gowns." I never have. Even at prom, my dresses were not floofy. "I'm sorry."

"No apologies are necessary, but we must finish up. You need to meet the queen soon." Thor had told me earlier that it was Frigga who would escort me to the party. "Take a look yourself."

I sift through the wardrobe, looking for anything that catches my eye. I almost miss it, but my hand brushes something soft. "Oh," I whisper, not daring to take my eyes off of it. The dress is simplistic and innocent, light yellow. Strapless. Its skirt falls to the ground, but it's flowy and so so beautiful. It reminds me the tiniest bit of my little light. "This one."

"That's a very good choice, my lady. Let's get you dressed."

Soon she has me in the gown and touches up my makeup. My hair is half-down, braided out of my face except for a few loose tendrils. A thin golden necklace adorned with a few circular charms is the only jewelry I wear. A knock sounds at the door. I slip on the gold heels and go to get it.

"My dear, you look lovely," Frigga says warmly. "Radiant. Like the sun."

I curtsy. "Thank you, Your Majesty. You look beautiful, too." She wears a satin dress, light blue, and probably looks better than I do.

"Thank you. Shall we go?"

"Yes. Oh- wait!" I poke my head back in the door. "Piper, thank you." She nods, evidently pleased but trying to hide it. "I'll see you later."

"That was a very sweet thing to do," Frigga says, leading me down the hallways. "Not everyone would have thought to thank the one who helps."

"Well, she helped me. My brother always told me to thank people, no matter what." Bruce. What I wouldn't give for five minutes of conversation with him.

"You have a brother? Older or younger?"

"Older by thirteen years, but I'm adopted anyway," I tell her. Frigga's eyes soften at this, like she's remembering another time and someone else. "We're pretty close."

"I've noticed that you get along very well with my son," she states, turning to me. I feel like blushing all of a sudden. "You two are good friends, am I correct?"

"Yes. He was kind to me at the Tower and we've bonded ever since." I leave out the part where he turned blue and tried to kill me. She doesn't need to know that. I think her unconditional love might not appreciate it.

Frigga is silent for a moment. "Thank you," she breathes. I look at her, confused.


"My son is lonely. He always has been an outsider. For a long time, I was afraid he had lost his abilities to trust others. You have proved there is most certainly an exception to that. My husband believes that Loki, the older version of him, is dead. But I disagree. He comes back to life when he sees you."

I don't know what to say. I'm speechless, and touched. Loki's mother has been paying attention. "I'm thankful for him, too. He makes me feel a little less alone." I recall the night I discovered my abilities, how I ran out crying, and how he held me, saying we were both messes.

"I'm glad." We reach a big door. "Now, when we go in, they will announce us. We will walk down a staircase. After that, I will proceed to join the Allfather and you will sit with Loki and Thor. Are you ready?" I nod, and she pushes the door open.

The room is filled with people all sitting at long tables, nobles and warriors mostly. At least I think that's what they are. All heads turn to face us. I search for familiar ones, and I find one.

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