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Okay, so I've been trying not to post any of these for a while because of all the Endgame spoiler.

However, as Endgame is officially out of theatres (and will be coming to Bluray/DVD next month), I've decided it's time for me to post the over 200 of these I've gathered on my phone.

I'm gonna warn you now and only on this chapter (as I dont want to type it out before each one coz I dont wanna do all that much typing on my phone xD), there will be massive spoilers for Endgame in these next several chapters. And I mean massive, plotpoints, major character deaths spoiled, all of it. You are not safe if you havent seen the movie and have managed to avoid spoilers for it. Do not read these chapters (and probably just avoid this book until you've seen the movie coz there will probably be spoilers in chapters after this onslaught too) 

Also, there will be a sprinkle of spoilers (kind of?) for Far From Home, especially if you've managed to avoid the trailers. Friendly reminder, please do not comment how anything relates to the actual FFH movie as I have not seen it and I will mute you extremely fast if you spoil this movie on me.

Anyways, enjoy the 10+ chapters of this you're getting!

Anyways, enjoy the 10+ chapters of this you're getting!

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