008 : Must Not

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"Hwang, how did my dad become one of the mafias? I mean, I'm his daughter but I didn't even know a single thing about it." Y/N asked Hyunjin with a confused look while having her arms crossed. He rushed his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"I don't know." he simply answered. Y/N were not satisfied by his answer but she don't want to bother him anymore. She simply sit down the white sofa. The both of them is at the living room now and silence is so loud between them.

Y/N stared at him, his position is sitting — his one knee over his leg and his back leaned on the sofa. He has heavy breathing and he looks so tired. Y/N can't help but to think about how this boy got into an underground organization. He just looks like a college boyfriend.

"H-Hey, how did you become one of them?" Y/N gulped as she said those words.

"It's none of your business." he answered and took out his phone. Y/N didn't know what to feel right now. Is she supposed to be annoyed? Mad? Angry? Or other than that?

"How does it feel killing innocent people? Aren't you guilty? How does it feel like kidnapping a person? An innocent girl?" she suddenly asked while holding back her tears. She don't want to cry in front of him again. It was a mess.

"I-I uh.." he stutters not comfortable about her questions. He wanted to avoid answering those questions. He doesn't have an answer. He took a deep sigh and look at her straight in the eyes.

"It's what the organization tells me. They order me and I obey them. That's my job." he said.

"But in the end, y-you're just gonna k-kill me, right?" she asked again and bit her lower lip. Her voice cracked a bit and she knew that her emotions are starting to eat her up again.

"Shit." he exclaimed and quicky stood up and went in where she is sitting. He hugged her and patted her head. His fingers went through Y/N's long hair while trying to make her calm down.

"Answer me, are you gonna kill me??" her eyes were full of pleading and tears won't stop falling. His new weakness — seeing her cry, makes him confuse. Why would he pity her and feel guilty? A guy like him who kill people, who holds guns, shouldn't be having thia kind of feeling.

"Shh.. no, stop crying, Y/N I won't. Even if I had to, I won't..." he said. That made her stop, she frozed while her head still resting on Hyunjin's chest. She can totally feel and hear his heartbeat right now.

"P-please let me go, now.." she pleaded him.

"B-but I can't, even if I did they will still find you. You have no choice but to stay here, Y/N it's for your own safety too. Don't take your life at risk." he explained. The mood swings just got harder for her. She's tired of crying and not understanding anything.

"W-what do you mean? I can report them to the police if I get the chance! I miss my family!" she raised her voice a bit. Hyunjin just stayed silent while staring at her. He was guilty, he was sad, he wished he didn't took her in the first place.


"I want to see them, Hyunjin! I want to see them!" she exclaimed and pushed him. She hugged her knees and dug her head in it while sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." It was all Hyunjin could say.


"You left the girl again?" Seungmin asked and Hyunjin nodded while drinking his beer.

"What if—"

"Shut up, she's safe in my house. No one knows where it is except for you guys," Hyunjin stated while massaging his temples and looking down.

"Tsk, nice Hyunjin." Jisung said and took a deep breath and watch Hyunjin drink his beer.

He's full of thoughts and the scene that happened earlier keeps on replaying in his mind. He felt guilty and he has this kind of feeling that he can't even understand nor explain. He has no one to talk to, and he's doubting about his feelings for you. He can't fall for you, he must not fall in love with her.

Besides, romance never existed in the underground world. It would just be a hindrance.

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