Chapter| 9

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A/N Please read the author's note at the end of this chapter. Unedited.

Blood is thicker than water, a simple quote. I, however, was taught the real saying, 'The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb'. It means the familial bonds you make from war are far stronger than the bonds you get from your mother. That the bloodshed makes you closer. Jessica was my sister, we shared not the same mother or father, but we shared the same hopes, dreams and in the end, we would share the same death too - of running from these monsters.

My earliest memory was running. I was about 5 or 6 at the time. I can't remember any earlier than that without getting a horrible headache. That memory is the only memory I had if my mother. She was holding my hand as she dragged me along the dirt road. I didn't know where I was headed at the time, all I know was that mommy and daddy had to go in order for me to be safe.

All I had was the clothes on my back as we approached a small house. Mom squatted to my height as she shakily held my arms tight.

"Rilla." she shook softly, "Rilla, listen to me okay?"

I nod and she continues, "You are staying with Maura and her daughter. You will do as she says alright?"

"Yes mommy" I replied quietly.

"Once I leave, your name is Ira, understand. You'll go by Ira Jenkins. You will stay in this house until someone knocks and says hummingbirds, humming-birds

"Where are you going, why can't I come?"

Mom looks down as she bites her lips sadly.

"I love you." was all she said before she pushed me into the small house and ran.

About a half an hour later, a knock comes. I almost triple Dover my feet in a haze - maybe it was a mom. Then I remember, they need a password.

"Password?" I asked meekly.

I heard a deep chuckle, "Hummingbird."

I let out a sigh of relief and opened the door. Instead of a woman, there was a grotesque man with a sky smirk on his face, his amber eyes pulsing brightly, a vampire. I screech and immediately attempt to slam the door.

He grabs me and dragged me outside. I bucked like a wild deer, trying to get out of his grasp. His hand was over my face as he dragged me along the road. I remembered feeling so useless, helpless...alone. "

 Suddenly a loud bang rang out and I felt the vampire's arms constricting around me before falling limp as he fell onto the floor. A pool of blood leaked out of him like a faulty faucet. I looked up to see a young woman, dressed in slim-fitting clothes and pin-straight ash hair. She made her way to me, putting her handgun in her back pocket. I backed away cautiously. She knelt down beside me and whispered, "Hummingbirds, with an s" she smiled.'My names Maura. "I nodded and we soon began our journey. She brought me into the camp and I learnt how to survive. A few years later she had Jessica. We found solace in one another and would dream of not having to move constantly, not having to fear our own shadows. We became sisters.

Light. Bright, pale light encapsulated the room. That's the only way I could describe the moon shimmered in the room. When I woke up it was nighttime once again. Levi was sat on the chair beside his bed staring off into the distance, his face shrouded in the dim light. I thought back to what happened, how I had broken down in front of him and shown Levi my vulnerability. Vampires were these beings that overpowered and oppressed and once they saw a crack in you, they were to be sure to exploit it.

"Levi?" I said, my throat becoming dry.

His head snapped towards my mine. He let out a breath, before coming over to my side. He sat in the bed, a strand of his milky blonde hair falling upon his face. We stayed in silenced, neither of us choosing to speak.

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