lll . n i n e • suzie, do you copy?

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"Dusty!" I yell whipping open the front door of our house as I see our vehicle pull into the driveway

"Hey, Hazel" He yelled and ran to give me a hug

"I missed your annoying ass" I told him squeezing him

"Hey! Language!" our mother yelled and I just widened my eyes as a joke

"Have you spoken to anyone yet?" I asked as we made our way into the house

"I tried but no one responded" Dustin told me sadly as we walked to his room. He set his stuff down on his bed looking at his turtle

"At least someones happy i'm home" He said

"Hey! I'm happy you're home" I argued hitting him lightly and he let out a low chuckle. Before we could speak his toy robot started making a noise, along with all his other electronic toys.

"What the hell" he said standing up and grabbing his hairspray

"What is that?" I ask and he ignores me and follows the toys as they lead him down the hallway.

Once I lose his attention I tip toe towards the right and stand behind our wall with Mike, Will, Lucas, Max, and Eleven. Once I get over to them I nod my head and Mike whispers for Eleven to stop the toys. We slowly make our way towards Dustin as he bends down to investigate the toys, as Dustin begins standing up Max does a count down.

"Surprise!" I yell with the others trailing beside me with multiple screams of excitement as Lucas holds up the sign they made

"Ahhh!" Dustin screamed turning around and spraying his hairspray into Lucas' eyes causing him to scream just as loud.

"Holy shit" Max yells and Dustin stops spraying Lucas

"Why would you do that!" Dustin yells still holding the spray in his position

"Why would we do that?! Why would you spray my eyes!" Lucas yelled as he tried to find Dustin with his now shut eyes

"Hey, Hey, knock it off! Give me that!" I argue grabbing the spray from Dustin and throwing it on the couch and helping Max lead Lucas to the sink to clean his eyes

"We wanted to surprise you" Eleven told Dustin as they stayed in the living room

"Seemed to work" Mike stated and Dustin shook his head. We stood there for a few seconds before Dustin started talking.

"So.. you guys wanna see my stuff?" He asked earning a nod from Will, Eleven and Mike who followed him to his room to see his nerd projects.

"You good Luke?" I ask and he nods his head rapidly underwater. I let out a light laugh and I grab all of the toys eleven had got moving and make my way to dustins room.

"I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I choose." Dustin said proudly and I throw his toys on the floor

"Girlfriend?!" Everyone in the room yells

"You have a girlfriend?! And you never told me!?" I yell and I smack his hat. He quickly got up with his bag and made his way out his door

"These kids" I whisper as they all trail behind him talking about Suzie from Utah.

"Whats happening?" Max asks

"We're going to talk to Dustins girlfriend" Will explains as they all make their way out of the house

"Girlfriend?!" Max and Lucas yell simultaneously and they follow behind

"Hey! Dustin!" I yell and all the kids turn around quickly

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