Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty Seven 

Zayn's P.O.V

“Pleasure comes with pain.”

That statement, explained everything I could possibly feel right now.

Punching Tate, the adrenalin rush that flowed through my body at that moment, still had me buzzing. It was an incredible feeling, another quote like statement whispered in my head.

“What goes up must come down”

I stared guiltily at my phone, continuing my mental debate. I needed to call Perrie, I needed to explain why I punched him, but how do I explain something I couldn’t even explain to myself? I knew the logical assumption would be jealously, but I just refused to believe it.

I remembered how it went from one disaster to another. Tate holding onto her like it was perfectly normal. Kiara looking into his eyes as if confused but perfectly fine with it, his smug stupid face smirking at me, as if he was taunting me- his fingers lacing with hers.

The thought itself was enough to set me off again, I stood up angrily.

No way was I apologizing. Why should I? Who does he think he is?

I shook my wrist, pain shooting up from my knuckles.

I think I got a good hit in, I grinned childishly- proud.

I was starting to feel a tad bit bipolar.

It’s been an uneventful morning, sort of. I hadn't talked to the boys properly since yesterday after the girls were forcefully removed from the premises by that, thing. I refused to let each and every one of them glare at me because it seemed almost necessary to hit him.

Well, to me anyway.

Making my way to the living room I passed Niall who had his head in the fridge, muttering loudly about the lack of food. I rolled my eyes, he gets mad at the stereotype of people saying he’s always hungry yet here he is proving otherwise.

I sat down lazily next to Harry, who was staring at the clock with intense concentration.

'You have to stop this Zayn' he muttered lowly.

I met his gaze, frowning. 'Liam you don’t think I know that?'

He raised his eyebrows slightly, suggesting I didn’t know jack shit.

'I just honestly hope you do'

I shook my head, frustrated- threading my fingers through my hair.

'What do you want me to do?' I mumbled, exasperated.

He smiled, the way he does when he knows he’s being philosophical.

'Choose, before someone gets hurt'

I hated that smile.

I shifted in my position, the memory making me uncomfortable.

So, obviously Liam had tried to give me one of his talks last night, it didn’t end well.

Harry quickly glanced at me as Niall walked into the room before averting his gaze. Niall dropped onto one of the lone couches, ignoring us. He tapped the empty spot beside him on the sofa as Liam walked in.

Liam's P.O.V

“Lou, hurry up!”

Louis being the smart ass he was, yelled back “NO! JIMMY PROTESTED”

I scoffed, “Don’t you even. That’s so 2010 Lewis”

I heard him laugh loudly, I rolled my eyes.

He started singing, the sound echoing through the bathroom walls. I threw my towel back onto the bed and sulkily made my way to the living room, it was past lunch and I still had my PJ's on. I watched Niall motion for me to join him and I jumped to sit beside him.

Zayn met my eyes and he frowned, he didn't really approve of my peacemaking.

I didn’t mind. I was right, he really should apologize. I’m still not clear on the whole situation but these two girls clearly have a lot of power over these three boys already. I flickered my gaze to Niall, who had nuzzled his head into my shoulder and was watching t.v with a small smile on his lips. 

Innocent Niall. 

I paused, taking the time to look at Harry. He was staring at his phone, his brows furrowed in concentration, as if he was trying to decide something. He wasn't happy about yesterday either, but he was determined to see the girls again. I knew better, it was Hailey. And he should know better too, this wasn’t a game. At my thoughts, my hand protectively found its way to Niall’s hair as I played with it lazily, he looked at me and smiled softly, before returning his gaze to the t.v.

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