Morning stretches.

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Waking up to the soft chirping of songbirds can either be relaxing, or annoying as ever. But waking up before your alarm goes off, and doing one of those 'cat stretching it's back' stretches is pretty much the best feeling in the world. Until that is, you realize you actually have to physically lift yourself out of bed in ten minutes. It is right then, that the feather soft blanket provides the perfect warmth, not smothering and not inadequate. It is then that your body finds that super comfy position. It is then that you realize how tired you are and that you could go right back to sleep. And above all, it is then that I am most convinced that I'm part owl and am actually nocturnal, because sleeping at night never happens, but sleeping during the day, right after a nice stretch, is the simplest thing in the world.

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