|10| Dreams

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(Y/n) POV

Everything I saw seemed to be dark..
Where am I? Wasn't I in my room?
I couldn't see anything, everything was literally just black. It seems that it never reaches an end as I kept walking forwards.
*Gasps* I suddenly feel a rush of wind around me making me close my eyes.
I opened them just to suddenly be found in some kind of office, the room looked very elegant and full of books well organized. I see myself standing there. Where the hell am I?

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice. Giorno came to view, he was wearing that pink flower jacket I had gave him on top of his original clothes but, the blue version of it? and his blonde hair was untied. "Giorno?? Where am I??" I asked, confused at the situation. Why did he look so serious?

"(Y/n).. You shouldn't be here. They need you, we need you." He came closer to me. "You need to go back..!" He pushed me, hard enough to make me fall back. I felled once again deep into darkness. Flashes of memories flew by all around me but I don't remember a thing. As I felt I was about to hit the ground I woke up.

"Ahh!" I opened my eyes and found myself in my room, my new room that is. What was all that? Was I dreaming or am I still dreaming? I looked everywhere around me, everything seemed to be normal... For the time being.

I breathed in deeply and turned on the little lamp besides my bed and felt my nose bleeding, drops of blood falling on to my hands.
I also found drops of blood on my night table, leading towards the white flower.

"W-what??" I looked up to the flower seeing how blood slid from it's petal and on to the desk and water. I picked up my phone to see the time, it was 2:00 AM. "Okay.. That's weird.." I stood up from my bed and grabbed the flower and jar.

I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I quickly wash up my face. Deciding to throw away the now bloody flower, and wash the jar to put it back in place, also cleaning the blood stain off from my desk.

"That weird dream.. What was it all about? And why was I bleeding from my nose, and the flower as well?" I questioned myself as I sit on my bed, now not available to sleep from the impact feeling.

I didn't really wanted to be thinking about such things right now, even though it might be an important reason, I shrugged off the questions because I was feeling tired but not sleepy..
Usually weird nightmares aren't anything new to me so I'm not very surprised.

I stood up from the bed again and quietly made my way to the living room since I couldn't fall asleep again. As I was just standing there in front of the couch, I hear someone's voice behind me.

"What are you doing awake at this hour?.." I turned around and saw Abbacchio standing in the kitchen door with his arms folded on his chest.
"Oh.. You startled me for a second. I just woke up from a bad dream, that's all.." I answered, staring at him, he was still wearing his usual clothing, I wondered why.

"Tsk, right.." He simply said in a low tone, his voice sounding kinda raspy.
"Um.. Why are you awake?" I asked him kindly. "Why would you want to know?" He replayed back rudely and passed by my side. "Y-you can't sleep either, can't you?" He seemed to stop, the room felt quiet almost for a minute.

".. If so it's none of your business.." He finally said with hesitation in his voice and left, no where else to be seen in the room. I now stood there just plainly thinking. I once again felt alone, everyone was asleep peacefully as I was still awake with nothing to do.

"Dammit.." I cursed in low voice and sat on the couch. Still knowing everyone was still here, I still felt as I was alone again. I hate this feeling of loneliness.

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