Request Page

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This book is a collection of various reader x black clover character scenarios, and character x character one-shots. Requests are currently closed.

If you have a specification as to what content you wish to be included in the one-shot please describe your request in the comments.

Yes, I will write lemons and limes. Basically no content is off limits unless I'm uncomfortable writing it (which honestly I'm not.)

EDIT (12/23/21): I will no longer be accepting requests for this book. As much as I appreciate them it has become quite overwhelming managing twenty different WIPs. The first six one-shots in this book were written during the spring of my junior year in high school, and honestly I am mortified by that content. Despite my embarrassment, I do not intend to remove them for those readers who enjoy the them. I am, however, in the process of rewriting some and plan to post them sometime next year (this is a strong maybe — refer to the 'Announcement' page for further details).

Thank You,

Black Clover One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora