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hello y'all!!

i know what you're thinking. "oh boy, alaska's publishing yet another book that won't get finished, how exciting."

well, first, that's rude >:( how dare you. second, this is a one shot book! meaning that it's gonna consist of short ideas that i've had in my drafts for a while but can't make them into a full book. so whatever's here, it's meant to be that short.

a lot of these one shots will have multiple chapters, others won't. it depends on the idea. i'll also maybe put two chapters into one so the stories don't drag on.

uh, i'm gonna try to update this book weekly. i can't make any promises tho, y'all know how bad i'm at keeping those.

i hope y'all enjoy these one shots!! some of them are really good, if i do say so myself.

i think that's all for now.

see you soon!!

-alaska x

p.s.: it's me from hours later and yes, i hate me too

apple juice and peach ⚣ joshler/tysh one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now