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Chapter 36: This Is Not Right

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He told me straight into the eyes as he pulled me closer to him closing the distance between the two of us. Leaving a few inches space between our faces as I try to register what is happening to my slow loading brain. He was staring straight at me that made me gulp a few times before blinking my eyes a lot of time when the scenario had finally strike me.

He pulled me closer again this time as he lowered his head to level it with mine while slowly lowering his lips to mine... But an inch before he could finally kiss me, I took the courage to push him away from me and quickly put on my mask and shades then distanced myself away from him.

"This is all wrong Daniel... This is not right... You can't just fly here to Korea to tell me that you like me and tell me that you wanted to fulfill your promise when you had left me to go to America years ago without a word and completely forgetting about me... I changed a lot as well as my prospective... I don't want to be a princess in a castle anymore. I just want to be me, going here to Korea was my own choice to find what I really wanted to do. And now I am happy with what I am despite of the challenges. I am not a kid anymore Daniel, I grew up... All those thoughts I had as a kid were all gone. So, I hope you could at least move forward and find another princess that will live with you in your castle because it will never be me. I don't love you nor I don't even like you. Just forget everything that had happened when we were kids, it's all in the past now. I came here to meet you for old time sake. You can stay here for as long as you want but I am never seeing you again... I'll go ahead..." I said as I took a deep breath before finally leaving him behind.

I quickly walked away from him and directly went to the nearest bus stop so that I could get home to our dorm. Luckily, I was able to catch a taxi before I could even make it to the bus stop thinking that the taxi will be much safer than the bus at this hour... "Sir can you drive me to states residences?" I told the taxi driver our residence's address in a low voice but high pitched as he just gave me a weird look because who wears a sunglass at late night.

"Are you sure you are fine miss? You sound hoarse..." he asked before finally pulling off to drive to our dorms direction. "I am fine sir, just drive please..." I said in the tone I had used earlier before looking outside the window to show that I rather stay silent.

After almost a thirty minutes' drive the taxi had finally came to stop in front of our residence's address. I pay the driver with the amount written on the meter then I got out of the taxi and went directly inside of the building. I was greeted by the staff who knows who am I. I just gave them a nod and headed to the elevator, when I was finally inside, I took the chance to take off my mask and shades and took a deep breath, I should have not agreed with my mother, this is really stressing me out.

When the short elevator ride was over, I went straight to our unit's door and knocked since the door was locked from the inside. Nayeon unnie opened the door for me. "Oh! You're here... I thought you will be out for long." she said as she opened the door for me to come in making a small way for me before closing the door again.

I took off my jacket and placed it on the couch on the living room and plumped myself on the couch feeling exhausted. Nayeon unnie sat on the chair in front of me. "So, how was the meet with your best friend? Did it went well? Oh, I guess not basing from your expression, it is a no I guess." She said while looking at me. "What happened?" she added.

"He just confessed with me unnie, knowing that I am committed I rejected him and left the scene..." I replied to her summarizing the event as short as possible. "Daebak! You lucky squirrel... There is your smitten boyfriend and now your best friend? Can we just switch places? I am envy!" she said while lightly hitting me in the arm.

"Go ahead unnie but leave my Kookie alone..." I said while giving her a sharp stare. "Never mind!" she said that made us both laughed at the statement. "Seriously, you are very lucky to have two guys go crazy over you! Sana you are very pretty, and you have such a long hair to the point that I am stepping at it already." she joked again "Nahh unnie I am not! I'm so stressed in a sudden, I can't meet up with my boyfriend and my best friend coming here to meet me after a long time of absence. A big major headache I tell you..." I said to her before finally getting up from the couch and sitting properly.

"What did you tell him anyway?" she said as she moved closer to me, squeezing information like she always do. I rested my back on the couch before giving a deep sigh because she won't probably let me off without me telling her the whole story.

"I told him that I don't have any feeling for him ever since and forget everything that had happened in the past and move on... he probably didn't have the idea that I am an idol and my mom probably didn't told him anything. I told him he can stay at Seoul, but I won't contact him anymore, I guess it's a good advice so he could have any idea of what I do now since we are popular around Korea. I wish he won't bother my mom about my contact, so I won't have any problems anymore..." I said honestly to her.

"You know, I am quite amazed by the guts that your best friend had shown that make me want to smack him in the head real hard. I mean he could have the chance when you become teens, but he chose to leave and now after a few years he comes back telling you that? It was a good choice that you rejected him, I tell you!" she said while clutching the throw pillow really hard.

I gave her a nod as a response. "Let's go to sleep, shall we? We need to get up early tomorrow for practice, and I am sure Momo had come up again with a complex routine that will definitely make my body ache, so we need all the energy. Head to your room now, I will go to mine..." she said as she got up from her seat and walked straight to their room.

"Oh right!" I said while rolling my eyes remembering how unnie usually gives a body ache each time we had to prepare for a performance in an award show before I finally got up and head to our room as well to take a rest.


Actually I wrote this chapter probably days ago after I wrote the previous chapter while thinking about Hello Kitty and friends, then I was reminded of Daniel, a charter there too so I used his name and I am lazy to change it off so I will leave it just the way it is. I forgot to upload this because of my chemistry exam that I haven't got the results yet.. I wish that I got a passing rate because I don't want to repeat that subject or take a summer class. I will be having a calculus quiz this Tuesday so I don't know when I can update again since I will be studying, and I hope I get a passing score in that quiz too.

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