Chapter One: Mhm?

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~~~Three Minutes earlier, Japan Pov~~~
It was another world meeting, but this time outside. The reason why? Well, China's house flooded, just our luck. His new hobby of growing indoor rice fields gone wrong. We where all sat near a lovely stream. The sakura tree flowers dipping down near our faces. I didn't know why the leaves where falling so fast. But everyone except me and America had decided to try and get food out of the house. I was surprised America wasn't hungry. I guess Canada found him a burger joint. However I couldn't see England anywhere, just then.

~~~America Pov right in the moment~~~

"JAPAN! WATCH OUT!" I tried to tackle him but it was too late. His body was hit with a flash of a bright blue light. I couldn't see his form anymore but the light shifted from humanoid to... to... cat?

England fell out of the tree,
"Japan! Kiku! Are you okay!? America, Alfred F. Jones! We killed him!!!"
He started having a panic attack with his wand at his feet. It had split down the middle.

I picked up the black and white cat. His eyes where closed calmly. The rest of the countries came running back over with snacks asking what was the yelling for.

"It was an accident! I meant to shoot America!" England yelled.

"Ve Ve Japan!" Italy whimpered kneeling next to me. I set the poor kitty down before both of us.

"Kiku, England..." China turned to England with a death stare. Next thing Italy and I knew, Germany and China where yelling at England asking how to fix it. Prussia and Greece started to sit down around the cat with us. Greece was still hungover from a small drinking game he had with the locals but understood this wasn't a normal cat. And Prussia, well Prussia bopped the cats nose.

"Ich, zhink He might be dead America."
Prussia said turning to me.

The cat stirred a little.
"Nope He's still alive." Greece added.

"Ve~ Japan!" Italy picked up the cat and  nuzzled him. "Your alive Waa! I'm so happy!!!"

~~~Japan-cat Pov~~~
I tried pushing Italy off of me, only to see that my hands where now paws? My body was smaller and stung with magical energy. My clothes where no were to be seen. I tried to ask what happened but my sentence was cut short by a,

Was that me? What's wrong with my voice? Am I neko?

Italy set me down thanks to Prussia's reassurance that'd I be fine. Their english was becoming blurred for some reason and all I heard was "Japan!" from several worried voices. I fell asleep before I could hear the rest of the conversation.

I woke up to America carrying me in a modern hotel elevator. There where a few more people in the tiny space, so he used my human name, whispering.

"Kiku dude, oh thank goodness your awake. I convinced everyone that you should come with me!" Alfred smiled.
I felt a slight happiness thinking I'd be going home with America or Alfred.
"But why am I happy?" I thought. "We are nothing more then friends..."

~~~In the Hotel room~~~
I sat outside while Alfred took off his shirt ruffling his hair in the process. I felt my nose become heavy. He slid on a plain white T-shirt and turned to me.
"Oh I didn't notice you where sitting here! Hey how ya feeling dude?"

I tried to say, "Not well." But all that came out was a sharp mew. I covered my mouth with my paws. The noise was so sharp it hurt my ears. Alfred walked over and sat with me. I eventually curled up onto his lap. He stroked my fur and turned on the tv.

"Uh how do you get it to the English channels?" He asked me.

I hopped off the bed walked over to the low desk. Hesitantly I picked up the remote manual in my mouth. It tasted like cardboard, though I can't remember ever putting that into my mouth. I hopped back onto his lap. Alfred squished me against his chest, flopping back on the bed. I purred, though I was trying to keep it in.

"Aww your so sweet as a cat!
Not that I don't like the human you."
He laughed petting my fur. We cuddled as he scanned through the channels.
I liked his cuddles for some weird reason... My face started heating up, making my fur feel cozy.

Eventually he fell asleep, on top of me? His arm was wrapped around my side. I snuggled into it calmly. Then as my eyes drifted shut I could hear him whisper,
"Good night little rising sun..."

~~~Alfred's Pov~~~
I woke up the sleeping cat right next to me. I jokingly squeezed his stubby fluff of a tail. He woke up immediately, shouting insults in meows. He furiously tried to scratch me.

"Aw Japan stop it!" I tugged on his ear.
His white parts started to turn red. Japan-cat covered his face in embarrassment. I picked him up before he tried to dive into the covers.

Japan-cat struggled in my arm as I poured his food. He jumped out of my arms.
"China gave me some cat food he uses, for you." I pet his head.

~~~Japan-Cat Pov~~~
Alfred started packing up his stuff considering the meeting was over. I finished the somewhat bland food and jumped back on the bed waiting for him.

"Okay Kiku, I know your not going to like this but..." He pulled out a kennel. "It's just for the airplane ride." I clawed at the bed as he put me in the kennel. It was small, tight, and dark. I already missed his lap. "We'll have to get those drugs at the airport sense you'll be riding in the cargo hold." I moaned but it came out as a mew. A few minutes later after all his stuff was gathered, we went out to the front of the hotel.

From the shotgun of the car I could see all the different scenes reaching up towards the sky. Temples, homes, apartments, and finally the airport. After Alfred checked his information and got us through security, talking to me the whole time. He passed me a tablet.

"Okay Kiku, this will keep you high until we reach my borders okay?"

I didn't really want to be away from him so violated in this body, in a tiny cage. Plus I didn't want to be high either... I had enough of China's opium days. But America shoved it into my tiny mouth anyway.

I started to fell dizzy, all the colors blending together. I felt my eyelids shutting even though I tried to protest. Laying down sleepily, I fell over.


(Nekotalia) Mhm?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें