Darius winked at me and that makes me crimson red. It instantly reminded me of the kiss he gave me yesterday. Even if it was just on the darn cheeks.

Why does he have such effect on me?!

"Baby cakes, you didn't answer my question." Ace said, as we walked towards my first class, Chemistry.

Great! Just bloody great!

I moved away from him and grinned. "You don't need to drop me. I'll see you guys after class. Bye!" I walked away from them in a fast pace ignoring Ace's calls for me.

I panted a little after almost running through the halls.

I really need to work out.

I took a deep breath before I entered the class and instantly spotted Elo and Logan, sitting on our usual place.


I hid my face again and took the seat in the back, avoiding them.

"I wonder where Natalya is?" Logan voice reached my ears. "I've not seen her since Friday and she's not attending to any of my texts either."

I felt really bad right now. I could've replied to the twins. They didn't even know about the bet date because they were out of town to visit their sick grandma.

"Too bad. I'll have to eat this chocolate all by myself."

I immediately stood up and ran towards them. And settle on my seat between both of them. I took a deep breath then looked at a smirking Logan and gave him a toothy smile, pushing my hands forward. "Chocolate?"

Elo cursed. I turned my head to face her. She handed some money to Logan who gladly took it and then put it in his pocket.

I looked at them in confusion. "She was too confident that the girl in shitty outfit was not you." Logan explained.

The realization drowned me. "You made a bet on me! And whats so bad about my outfit?!"

"Fuck yeah! How could I pass an opportunity to win some money? And yeah every-fucking-thing is wrong with your outfit."" Logan rolled his eyes.

"You fucking cheated." Elo glared at him. "If you didn't pull that tactic about the fucking chocolate, I would've won that!"

"What tactic?" I asked both of them.

"First remove these horrible glasses. We all know who's fucking behind these." Elo grumbled and tried to remove my glasses but I swatted her hands.

"I can't see without them!" I scowled.

"So its not a fucking disguise?" Logan asked taking the glasses. He observed them and was about to wear them. Elo stopped me as I opened my mouth to warn him.

He cursed and removed them immediately. Elo snickered beside me. "Your eye sight! Damn! Can you even see me without them?" He pushed the glasses back at me. I wore them again.

"This is not disguise. I always wear my glasses when I'm home. And yes I can see your face but I cannot see your features. Do you get it?" I asked after seeing his confusing face.

His mouth turned into a huge 'O' and he nodded his head. "Like you can see my face but you cannot make out where my eyes or nose are?"

Can I bang my head on this desk?

I shook my head and just then the teacher barged in the class. We all dropped the conversation and took out our stuff.

Few minutes later, Elo passed me a piece of paper. She motioned me to read it. Logan looked at it suspiciously. I opened it and groaned.

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