Chapter 3

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My bracelet beeped red and let out a loud, ringing alarm.

I groaned unhappily. Before I left, though, Bucky asked, "may I?" Quietly. He inched his wrist towards my throat, asking if he could mark me.

"Yes," I whined desperately.

He pressed his wrist against my throat, swiping his scent glands against my pulse. I kissed his hand lightly and then rushed out, pushing the elevator button and catching the elevator with the others. Clint, being the only alpha and the only one who could smell the marking, gave me a look and then returned his attention to Natasha. This is why Clint has always been one of my favorites; he was accountable for the serious stuff, and teased the little things, never going too far.

"What's the situation?"

"Alphas in the park. A gas bomb went off, and the gas is forcing them into a rut. They're going crazy."

"Should Clint be coming?"

"He's staying on the Jet." Natasha said sternly, and I had no doubt that they had an argument about this behind closed doors.

We hovered above the park again and this time everyone simply dropped to the ground. As soon as the last person coming down dropped, another gas bomb went off. But this one did nothing to the alphas; no, it did something to the Avengers. It forced us all into heat (except Bruce).

"Oh. No."

"I hate it when Fury's right."

"C'mon, guys." I urged them. "We can do this. Remember what we told Fury? It wasn't lies. We can fight through heats. We've got this."

Then the alphas started rushing us. They were in ruts, we were in heats. It was a frenzy, but we all kept control fairly easily.

In around four hours, we had disabled all of the alphas and cleared out the gas.

Everyone re-boarded the jet, and immediately Clint was next to Nat. She whimpered and settled on his lap, and he repeatedly whispered "just a little longer, baby, just a little longer." Vision and Wanda sat next each other, crossing their ankles together and holding hands with a silent promise of something more soon. Tony called Pepper.

"Pep? Something has happened..."

"Tony, this is an important meeting, what is it?"

"There was an incident, and, uh . . . I'm in a heat."

I could perfectly imagine Pepper's head snapping up, her alpha senses darkening her eyes.

"Give me ten minutes. I'll meet you on the roof."

I was happy for them, sure. But mainly I was concerned with the fact that my heat had me painfully aroused, literally. With my sweat soaking my body, I could smell the scent of Bucky wafting up from the neck. Each beat of my heart sent a fresh wave of the mountain air smell. It was practically torture. At one point during the fight, I had actually tried to wipe the scent off. Of course, it didn't work.

This heat was worse than any I had ever experienced. I didn't know whether it was because of the marking, or because of the gas, but all I knew was that I needed to find Bucky. Soon.

When we landed, I saw Tony rush straight to Pepper, and everyone else run to their rooms. I however, began tearing apart the building looking for Bucky. I was halfway through the top floor when I remembered I could just ask.

"FRIDAY, where's Bucky?"

"He is in the med bay. He was taken when he tried to get through the guards and meet you on the roof."

I was already running, finding my way through the hallways that would take me to my freedom, to my Bucky. When I hit the med bay, I didn't stop.

I heard a growl from behind one of the curtains. Bucky pushed his way out of the small curtained off area he was being kept in. He ran at me and I ran at him, and when we hit and lifted me off the floor, and I wrapped my legs around his hips. I bent down and smashed my lips to his, kissing him for the first time.

His lips were unbelievable. They were perfect, plump and soft and cracked at the same time. He tasted similar to the way he smelled, like cool mountain water.

Soon the people in the med bay realized we were mates as we continued making out. They let Bucky leave, and one of the nurses said, "maybe you would like to go up to Mr. Rogers's room? FRIDAY will show you the way."

Bucky broke away from me and we both gasped in air, then Bucky, without letting me down from his hips, began walking in the directions FRIDAY pointed him.

We got to my room and as soon as the door closed, Bucky slammed my back against a wall, pressing his hot, wet lips to mine again. I moaned into his mouth and he slipped his tongue past my lips, running it along my lower teeth.

And we spent the next three days, my heat, locked in my room, discovering each other's bodies.

As my heat came to an end, I realized that nowhere in the throws of passion, had we claimed each other.

I gently pulled away from Bucky.

"You don't want me." I accused.

His eyes immediately darkened. "Why the hell do you think that, Stevie?"

"We never claimed each other."

Bucky nuzzled my neck softly, whispering, "that doesn't mean I don't want you. I just... I didn't know if you'd have me."

"Bucky." I said sternly, but a bit shuddery as he licked my neck softly. "From now until forever, assume that I want you at least as much as you want me, unless I say otherwise."

And then, Bucky softly bit into the flesh at the nape of my neck. Understanding, I took his wrist to my mouth and sunk my teeth into it gently. After a moment we both let go.

I kissed him again for a minute, still shocked breathless at how amazing his lips were. He would still shock me until the end of time.

And then, we fell asleep. Curled around each other. Together.

Stay tuned, this isn't over! I'm gonna add so much fluff that you can't even take it to cure my depression!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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