The second try (Suicide Warning)

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Deku's POV:
I drank my tea in quiet. When I finished I realized All Might and Shoto looking at me. I was shaking. "I'm gonna go to my room." I said standing up. "Young Midoriya are you ok?" All Might said as he began to stand up. "I'm fine." I said blankly. I continued walking. I could tell Shoto and All Might exchanged glances. I close the door beside me and go into my school jacket pocket. I grab the box cutter and bandages. I grab the rope that was in the back of my closet. I grab some other things and throw them into a bag. I open my window and climb out onto the fire escape. As I began to close the window the door opened. Shit. I quickly closed the window and began to run down the fire escape. I could here the person yelling my name out the window. "I'm sorry. I'm just miserable I need this." I say continuing down the ladder. Then I heard someone jump onto the fire escape. I started to move faster. "Please just let me die!" I mumbled only other 10 feet till I get to the ground. 10 feet till I can run and never be found.
     As I placed my foot on the side walk I began to book it down the street. I turned into an alley way and began to run. There was another woods on the other side of town. A bigger woods. They won't be able to find me in time. I don't know if any pro that can track heat signals.  I slow down to a walk. I pull a hoodie out of my bag and put it on pulling the hood over my hair. It wasn't my hoodie it was Todoroki's hoodie. I pull the hood up and walked into the street. I walked and walked, it only felt like a minute before my shoulder was grabbed shit. "Shoto." I heard the cold voice say. It couldn't be. Endeavor. I spun around to face him. "Um you must have me mistaken for someone else sir." I say not making eye contact with him. He forces me to look at him. "You're the boy from his school. Why do you have my sons hoodie and why are you wearing it?" He snarled at me. What am I supposed to say!? I can't say, oh well he's hiding out at my house and I'm wearing cause I need to get into the forest without being noticed. "Um I don't know were your son is sir. Also I'm wearing this because he lent it to me after school ended." I say plastering a fake smile on my face. "Useless" he mumbled not expecting me to hear. "You can go on your way." He says as he turns and continued on his patrol. I booked it towards the forest. I can't stop, I saw him take out his phone. He's gonna text him that he saw me. Run Deku, run and don't stop.

Todoroki's POV:
    My feet touched the side walk. I made it down the fire escape. I began to run in the direction I saw Izuku take off in. Tears were rolling down my face while I screamed his name. "IZUKU IZUKU PLEASE!" I yelled running down an alley way. Then I felt my phone buzz. It was probably All Might. My eyes widened at the name of the person who sent me the text. 'Shit head'.... my "father" again. I read it, so I saw the green haired fag. He seemed depressed. He was wearing your hoodie! Why did you give that to him you piece of shit! It read. I looked at the image attached. It was a boy running in my black hoodie with ice and fire on the sleeves. I knew that place. It was on my "fathers" patrol path. I began running in the direction of this location. There's a woods near by that place. He better not be doing what I think he is. I then began to slow down. Wait, that forest is huge. I went to a complete stop. Quickly calling 911 and All Might.

~Time skip~

It's been two days. They say he's dead. My sweet little angel. I haven't slept since he was gone. They brought in a hero from America who can track heat singles. All Might and other Teachers have been looking in the forest everyday. Class has been canceled. They found bloody bandages the other day. They checked the dna and it was Izuku's dna. I pray they are wrong. I can't eat I have barely moved. Apparently my "dad" even joined the search. They have covered all most the hole forest. Today is day 3 the last day of the search.

Deku's POV:
   Two days I've been out here. Now I stand on a rock, a noose dangling in front of me. I was starving. My body covers in fresh cuts. I slipped a note into my bright red shoes. If anyone finds me they'll read it.  I placed the noose around my neck. I've been camping out in the woods. I needed time to think before I died. I've cried every day. I haven't slept in fear of being found. Tears flooded my eyes once again. "Finally, I can see you again." I said stepping off the rock. My breath hitched. My vision blurred. Then it went black. I felt free, like every pain was gone.

All Might:
     Day 3, the final day to find him. Why did you have to do this again Izuku? "I FOUND A HEAT SIGNAL ITS FAINT! QUICKLY THIS WAY!" The hero from America yelled. We all sprinted in the direction. Then I saw him. The small fragile boy, hanging there. I stopped running and dropped to my knees. Tears filled my eyes. Endeavor quickly Burt the rope holding him up. His body feel. His skin was pale. A mark around his neck. I only saw this after they removed the rope from around his neck. "GET UP!" Endeavor yelled back to me. They were checking for breathing. There was but only ever so slight. I stood up and walked over someone sending out our location for a helicopter. "Izuku, my son" I mumbled as I picked him up. "WAIT SON!" Endeavor yelled in shock. I didn't answer, "I'm sorry I had to watch you grow up from a far." I said my eyes tearing up sounds of a helicopter was in the distance.
    The sent down a latter for us to climb. We all quickly climbed up and we rushed Izuku to the hospital. I clung to his. One of the only things that mattered to me was dying in my arms. We landed on the roof of the hospital. Izuku was quickly rushed from my arms. I watch as he disappeared. I feel a hand on my shoulder. "He's got your blood, he'll be fine." Aizawa says, I look at him and the rest. "But you got so explaining to do." Aizawa continued gripping onto my shoulder tightly. Fuck.
     We all sat down in an empty room in the hospital. "Well you see I meet Inko about 20 years ago. We were both interested in each other, but my never made our relationship public so the villains would never learn I had a partner. Then well, after being together for about to years I purposed. Inko kept her last name through the marriage, again for safety reasons. Then she had Izuku... I was so proud to be a father and so worried. Inko realized this. She told me U should live on my own. She told me to watch my son grow from a far. I did just that. But then she told me the boy was quirkless in our little secret meetings. So I began to look for a time to approach Izuku. He then developed a quick, late like I did. Then Inko was attacked. Someone found out she meant something to me. I explained to the police why we had to announce her as dead, I didn't need them hurting her again. She's just been in a comma for a while now." I said everyone's eyes watching me there eyes listening. "Endeavor, if you ever find the boy that you call your son, till him he was right about me and Izuku." I said looking Endeavor straight in the eyes. Then a nurse walked in.

    "We would like to speak to the parent or guardian." She said. I stood up and walked over to her. She lead me down the hall a bit of the ways. "We have good news sir. The boy will live. We suggest getting this medications for him and taking him to a therapist. Also sir, the doctors predict she'll wake up within the next 2 months.

~1482 words! Also if you read My Little Secret there may not be an update tomorrow! Bye now!~

Shadows (Depressed! Izuku Midoriya x Shoto Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now