Chapter 5 Memories

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You made your way down the hallway quietly as to not wake Clare and then went down the stairs were you could see blue feathers down behind the kitchen arch way, as you round the corner to face her she jumps slightly before regaining composure.

Zofia: Enjoy your trip?

She ask inquisitively and with a hint of teasing tone, however your mind was somewhere else.

(Y/N): Nostalgic...

 You said while you were thinking of someone and She was puzzled as to how was taking Clare upstairs nostalgic? she had to know why but she does not want to pry, but either way she was going to get an answer whether she wanted to pry or not.

(Y/N): I use to love someone from my home planet, I also had to carry her to her bed when she fell asleep in odd places...Anyway how was your pizza?

A/N: Well that just came out didn't it?

Zofia noted that you wanted to get away from that train of thought so she played along as not to upset you.

Zofia: Great, um thanks for asking... I gotta ask why are you alone out here? Doesn't get lonely around here?

You take note that she is very blunt for a Ptak and despite that you can get lonely, but you preferred to be alone at times to clear your mind.

(Y/N): Yea it can get lonely at times but I got friends that visit... and raid my pantry, but still being alone for me can be relaxing at least for me.

Zofia can't help but to feel a little sad about that, no one should be alone forever... not like her and her sister, they were abandoned by their families and they only had each other and she wouldn't know what she would become with her sister or vice versa if she didn't help her out that fateful day they met. You notice she saddened look and reached your hand out to pat her head like a parent try to comfort there child. She didn't know what she was feeling, needless to say she was embarrassed.

(Y/N): Don't worry about me, after what I been through i'll be fine, You must be tired after a full stomach, after i get the stuff on the porch in i'll be in my study for the rest of the night, If you need me you will find me there.

Zofia didn't say anything as her face was still a little red as she went upstairs, but she couldn't help to think of what you have been through to be that damaged and she tries to think of way to cheer you up and nothing comes to mind as she goes to her room...

In Zofia and Lisy's room...

Lisy was looking at the large garden through the window, she never seen flowers like this before and she just looks at them with awe... that was intell her sister Zofia walked into the room looking a bit sad.

Lisy: you ok sis?....

Lisy asked with a little bit of a concern.

Zofia: don't worry I'm ok... It's just (Y/N) told me something that was kinda... sad...

Lisy was curious about that and wanted to know what you said to her about.

Lisy: What did he tell you?

She asked bluntly, She was interested and now wants to know more of who this (Y/N) person is and when she has a goal she doesnt stop until it's done.

Zofia: Uhhhh... I don't know all of it but he was all nostalgic after he put Clare in her bed in her room... It reminded him of a person he used to know...

Lisy felt like she was leaving something out atchley a lot of it out as her sister is blushing heavily, but before she could ask about that Zofia told her...

We Stand Broken Together(Furry Harem x Male Reader).Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora