Chapter 13.1 - Playing by the Rules

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The jump into Reetion space was hair-raising, but soon over. Once Vanilla Rose stabilized, H'Reth holed up in the room where Ann had met Von, and a loyal crewman came to tell him they'd discovered Reetions.

"Master Larren is going to crack their station if they don't give up that courtesan you used to play Liege Monitum," the man said, in amazement. "I'll be lost if I see why he's so important."

H'Reth opted for the high ground. "If Larren speaks of cracking stations, he is a man we dare not follow if we hope to be reborn."

"Larren's a paladin," said the crewman. "He knows what's right. He offered challenge."

"Ha!" H'Reth scoffed. "What chance would a Reetion have against Larren in a duel?"

"Then they should surrender," concluded the crewman. "No one would think less of them for that! It's quite proper to decline a fight outside your challenge class, just like you did, My Lord."

When the crew man left, H'Reth wrapped himself in his blankets on the couch. They smelled of his own stale sweat and bitterness — nothing like blankets that Von had warmed. The more he thought about that, the more he convinced himself he must do something to save Von, despite the threat Larren posed. Inspired, he bolted up and threw himself around the room, pulling his clothing together and strapping on his dueling sword. Then he charged out into the corridor.

Jarl intercepted him twenty paces from his door. "Where are you going?" he asked.

H'Reth gripped the hilt of his sword.

"Oh," Jarl's eyes flicked down to the weapon, "to commit suicide. How gallant."

"Do not mock me!" H'Reth cried. "I have found my courage!"

"Hang on to it then," advised Jarl, "or it may get you killed."

"But Larren wants to kill Von!" H'Reth cried.

"Are there no other boys in all the reaches of Sevildom?" Jarl asked.

No! H'Reth thought. Von ran through his life like a ribbon of silver through dross. When he dressed, he imagined Von in matching clothes; if he enjoyed a play it was because he looked forward to Von's insights when he told him all about it, afterwards. Von was all that made his life endurable!

"I must see Larren," H'Reth said, and shouldered past.

"You won't find him at the command center!" Jarl called.

H'Reth turned around.

"The Reetions are sending Von across," Jarl enlightened him. "He's docking at the same spot that the Reetion woman did." Jarl showed his evil grin. "You'll be just in time to see Larren destroy him. Marvelously melodramatic way to put it, I thought, 'destroy.' So artistic, those Goldens."

H'Reth began to run.

He had no real idea what he meant to do when he reached the docking floor, beyond hoping Von would play some inspired trick. Von was resourceful and even quite strong for a commoner. Perfect all around, in fact! Except for his stubborn interest in girls.

H'Reth burst into the outer chamber of the rim dock making half a dozen heads turn, but the inner airlock was still closed. No Von in sight. H'Reth faltered. Larren and the second paladin, Farin, stood waiting at the center of a company of Blue Demish nobleborns.

"H'Reth is it?" said Larren, without looking around. "Show him the silver box."

Farin took the Reetion projection box out from under his robe. H'Reth's heart skipped a beat. Jarl came in behind him.

"H'Reth knows, I think, what images this evil toy projects," Larren said to those assembled, then turned at last to fix H'Reth with his icy blue stare. "They concern you."

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