Baby Maybe/Negative Vibes.

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{ A Month Later }

{ Jaidyn }

I've been spending alot more time with que it's like he wants me wherever he is and when I'm not with him he tries to text me all day throughout the day. He's been gone for a week doing alot of shows and stuff so I've been at home or my grandma's house. Shannon just came back in town so I'm spending the night with her at granny's. I'm on my way to granny's when my stomach started acting up I didn't know what was wrong so I kept driving. I finally arrived and Shannon was outside talking to some guy I parked and got out and ran straight to her  "Hi boo how have you been " I said while hugging her "I've been so good jj like really " she said smiling at me

Shannon: "Umm what's this new glow about you because girl your glowing " she said looking me up and down

Me: "idk what you mean " I said while looking away

We then went into the house I hugged granny and we went straight upstairs. I was feeling that uneasy feeling in my stomach felt like I was going to throw Up so I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Shannon came in after me and started to rub my back

Shannon: "Are you okay boo " she said while still rubbing my back

Me: "yeah it just must've been something I ate " I said getting up wiping my face

Shannon: "imma go get you some ginger ale okay " she said

Me: "okay thanks " I said smiling

I walked to the sink and washed my hands then I heard my phone ring in the other room . I hurried to answer it and it was que .

{ Phone Conversation }

Me: "Hey Que "

Que: "Hey Baby wassup how you doing today? "

Me: "I'm good I just was kinda throwing up "

Que: "kinda ? jj baby are you okay? "

Me: "yes baby I'm fine how is everything going? "

Que: "good we just made it to Chicago I'm bout to go in the room and sleep until showtime "

Me: "That's good well go ahead and get your rest call me later "

Que: " okay jj I love you "

Me: "I love you to que "
End Convo

Just then Shannon came back with the ginger ale "thank you so much babe " I said hugging her

Shannon: " no problem you know I got you " she said smiling

We then just chilled and talked ordered food and laughed the rest of the night before I knew it I was out cold. The next morning I woke up and got out of bed to throw up again this shit was killing me I hated throwing up. I then hopped in the shower got out brushed my teeth lotioned slipped on my panties and bra and got dressed. After I got dressed I headed out "see you later grandma " I said waving to her. I then got in my car and I had these weird cravings for chips and ice cream together I went to the store and bought all this stuff and went back home. I got home parked my car got out and grabbed the bags and went inside. I put my purse and stuff on the counter as I put the food up but leaving out the stuff I wanted to eat I grabbed my food and headed straight to the couch and turned on the tv. I started eating and soon fell asleep. I woke up to knocks on the door I got up and walked to the door and it was my baby I opened the door with the biggest smile on my face. I jumped on him and placed my lips against his "I see somebody missed daddy " he said smiling carrying me back to the couch. "Jj what is this " he said pointing to the couch and laughing at my mess "it's nothing " I said tryna pick everything up. Right then I dropped everything and ran to the bathroom to throw up again I didn't know what was going on with me. I flushed washed my hands brushed my teeth and gargled then walked out. Que was standing there looking at me with his arms folded.

The Boy Next Door  [ EDITING ] !!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon