𝒪𝒽 𝓃𝑜!🤢

Start from the beginning

LaKeshia: thanks

Henessy: your welcome.

Lucas and princess house 🏡

So I planned to do my makeup 💄 but then I forgot and fell asleep 😴.

So I got the food for her and me and went upstairs to find out she's passed out so I put down my food down at my side table and put hers at her side table and I rub her back trying to wake her up

She turned a couple of times intel she finally opened her eyes 👀.

Lucas: hey baby the food is here

I say as she sits up.

Princess: aww 🥰 thanks baby

Lucas: your welcome

You say hading it to her

As you get in bed 🛌 and grab your food.

Princess: what did you get

Lucas: chick-fil-A

Princess: can I have some

Lucas: you said you wanted McDonald's you never said chick-full-A

Princess: I know what I said but I feel like am gonna throw up 🤢

Lucas: fine here.

Princess: thanks

Lucas: am about to go to the studio soon so you gonna be okay.

Princess: yeah

Lucas: okay

So I ate like every single crum on my plate so after we both finished eating 🍽 Lucas had to go.

Lucas: I'll be back as soon as possible

Princess: okay you better bye

Lucas: bye

He says kissing me

LaKeshia and Henessy's house 🏡

So after eating I head back to my room then princess calls me.

LaKeshia: hey wassup

🤰🏽💕main bitch💕🤰🏽: can you come over

LaKeshia: yeah I'll be right there.

🤰🏽💕main bitch💕🤰🏽: okay thanks

LaKeshia: yeah

So I go downstairs to let my mom know that am leaving.

~Henessy's room~

LaKeshia: mom

Henessy: yeah

LaKeshia: can I go to princess house 🏡

Henessy: yeah

LaKeshia: okay thanks

Henessy: okay bye

LaKeshia: bye

So I got in my car 🚗 jammed out to some songs then I finally got there.

Lucas and princess house 🏡

So I hear someone knocking so I go and open it.

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