Chapter 1 - Late Again

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It was early morning and a small female figure was approaching the school gate a great speed. The bell announced the beginning of the classes just as that small woman reached the gates.

The janitor who was about to close the gates shaked his head with disapproval, “Late again, Miss Clark”  Lisa could barely squeezed a good morning out of her agitated chest, and continue racing towards the main building.

Her train of thoughts spiraling out of control. I’m late! I’m late! OMG I AM LATE AGAIN!

On her way upstairs almost completely out of breath, Lisa could see the hallways were already empty. All the students and teachers were in their classrooms beginning the morning lessons, and only the stomping sound of her feet through the corridors could be heard.

I’m going to be called again to the Principal’s. Why does it have to me? Why? I have no time to go to the teachers’ room now.

Without time to recover her breath,Lisa had finally reached the classroom door.

Composure..What is that?  All sweaty, her long black hair rally last over her face, and her clothes messed from running Lisa place her right hand over the door handle.  No time to care about how she looked. With the momentum she used while running, she slammed open the classroom door. Her heart about to come out of her chest, dyzzy for the lack of oxygen and sweating like a marathon runner in the middle of the summer, Lisa staggering stepped into the classroom landing with a victory pose and a meek smile on her face. Almost immediately she was welcomed by the cheers and jokes of the students already seating in place.

“Never ceases to surpass yourself, Miss Clark” She heard a student say

“The Flying Squirrel never disappoint us” other reply  and everyone else laughed and clapped the geniality of such jokes.

Lisa wished to be swallowed by a hole in the ground at that very moment, but frankly she couldn't afford to do so. She was the world’s worst teacher.

In all truth, she had never been such an incompetent person. Her life was pretty much in the track to success and happiness, she was little by little achieving all her life goals, while keeping all the possible variables under control.

At least until this, whatever the hell THIS mess was, started.

If only she knew how to turn everything back to normal? She had wished numerous times for an answer, for a way to stop the hell she found herself in. But no luck so far.

Though Lisa had zero certainty about what was wrong with her,  She was sure of just one thing. Lisa believe that somehow this mess was connected to the girl on the second row. Yes, Marisa, that tall ginger haired girl sitting on the second row besides the window was somehow connected to her awful fate.

Marisa, the transfer student who, just like her, had arrived at the beginning of the school year.

Lisa was not sure why, but whenever their eyes met a strange and confusing burst of pain, longing, anxiety, and anger will rush through her body and take control of her.

As soon as she saw that kid's curly redhair at the end of the corridor she felt a desire to run to her and cry with desperation. It was completely irrational. She had no particular hate for redheads. Her childhood best friend's hair was quite similar to that girl's. And she knew nothing about that girl that could serve as explanation. And yet this child's mere appearance caused her to be in such a state of despair.

For a while, Lisa told herself it was just resentment. No matter how terrible of a teacher that made her. It had to be that.

After all, if it weren’t for that little ginger haired brat running like a mad dog through the hallway, she wouldn't have had to go through all this ordeal.  The month on medical leave just as the school term began; the broken bones; being the target of all the students jokes just at the beginning of her life as a school teacher…

Lisa brought herself back to reality.  

“Good Morning, everyone” she said trying to regain control of the classroom and her own self at the same time. “Let’s begin the class”

The morning continue without major surprises, and by lunchtime Lisa was able to return to her desk at the teachers office, where 20 odd notebooks awaited her to be checked, while she would quietly munch on her … nothing. In the chaos of that rushed morning  her lunch never left her home's fridge.

Her said peaceful lunch time didn't last long, since from the end of the office she could hear a much dreaded pair of heels approaching.

“Well, Miss Clark”  As soon as she sat on her desk, Lisa heard that voice call her from behind “ What was it this time?” The principal looked like she was going to eat her alive, and Lisa knew she couldn't do anything about it.  “What prevented you from attending this morning’s meeting?”

Once again, like the other many days before this, Lisa had to come up with a logical and convincing enough excuse. Because she certainly could not tell the truth. Nobody in their right mind would believe such a story.  And even if they did, they would surely believe she had a serious mental disorder. And just like that bye bye teaching job of her dreams.

How tempted was Lisa, though, to tell her boss all the truth. To tell her about this hunting recurring dream that render her unable to move for hours.

The sound of water running just beside her. The gentle but chilly breeze rudely caressing her weak body. The steps over the grass approaching from behind. All felt just too vivid. The sound of a gunshot. The metallic taste of blood inundating her mouth just as her feeble body fell to the ground. A sharp pain that made her whole self num. The desperation to run away, and the frustration of not being able to move a single muscle. The seconds that turn into hours. The darkness of the night turning into dawn. the tears of anger and frustration falling down her cheeks. Her clothes soaking in her own blood. The cold... that undescriptible cold, soaking into her bones as if she lay naked in the middle of a snow storm. The desperation of knowing she was about to die and noone would come to rescue her. The anger, the fear, the frustration and a strange sense of longing for someone she didn't even know.   

And even if she could hear the alarm of her phone going off in the background, the dream felt so real. She was still trap in that nightmerish land unable to even lift her eyelids.

Of course, she could never tell the principal about that dream. She would either think Lisa was moking her intelligence , or think she had lost it for good and send her to get her mental state checked. Though, the later maybe was not such a bad idea after all. If not for her fear of losing her job...

So Lisa made a simple excuse , as always, and prayed for her boss’ understanding.

“This is the last time Miss Clark” The principal declare “Next time this happens, I’ll have no other choice but to report you to the inspector. Don't forget you are still on probation and this behavior of yours is just unacceptable.”

“Yes ma'am, I understand. I’m well aware of the consequences and it won't happen again.”

The devastating truth was that looking at her track record it would most likely happen again, and Lisa was at lost about what to do.

The rest of her day went on without any major issues, and Lisa was finally free to go home.

She felt exhausted. Hence, she dragged her petite body through the streets looking more like a zombie than a living human being. She wasn't sure if her exhaustion was because of the stress, the work, or the hunger, after all with all the haste that morning, she had no time for breakfast, and lunch time was spent meeting the principal.

This has to end,  she thought, I’m just so fucking tired of this life.

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