For Ali

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You turn to walk away from the angry Thomas. He grabs your wrist and pulls you back towards him. You stumble and regain your balance. "Don't walk away when I'm talking to you Ali!" He roars and I watch as the funny kind boy who helped me out of the box melt and turn warp into this enraged boy. This whole arguement had been stupid really.

You had forgot to tell Thomas you had to skip training today because Newt wanted you to help him in the gardens, he had all these vegies that are ready and not enough people to pick them. "Calm Down Thomas!" You shout and Thomas raises his hand. His palm connects with your cheek and your head snaps to the side from the force.

He lets go of your wrist and you turn on your heel and ran. You ran until you could see Newt and with the sound of your heart beating in your ears you slow down and walk the rest of the way. Newt turns to face you and his eyes rest on Thomas's prominant hand print on your cheek. "Who done this?" He asks with a cutting edge to his voice.

"Thomas he......" But Newt had already began to walk off towards Thomas leaving you alone. You see Thomas walking towards Newt. You knew something was about to go down. You jog towards them to try and stop the argument, but it has already begun. Once you are close enough you can hear what they are saying "You shank!! Never hit girls!" Newt exclaimed.

"Well if she told me she was with you I wouldn't of then!" Thomas fights back. He shoves Newt and Newt shoves him back. You knew you had to stop this before it got out of hand. "Hey! Stop it!" You yell and they do. "Just drop it ok?" They nod and start walking in different directions, leaving you alone in the middle.

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