chapter seven

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"So uh... what do you wanna make the topic about?" Sam asked Colby, since the teacher said the project may be about any subject.

Colby shrugged and signed, 'whatever you want it to be about.'

Sam shrugged as well. "Lets just talk about this after school, you can come over if you'd like"

Colby smiled and nodded

+×After school×+

Sam and Colby were currently walking to sam' s house, of course after Colby asked for permission from his mother.

They arrive about 10 minutes later, since they got distracted.

"Mom, I'm home! I brought colby!" Sam said, and waited for his mom to reply, but there was no reply.

So Sam assumed that his mom went grocery shopping so Sam lead Colby to his room so they can discuss what the topic of the project may be. 

Sam did some research on different things, and they finally just decided on something random.

"So, Colby..i was thinking-"

Colby blocked Sam's voice out somehow, and started to randomly look at the floor then he suddenly looked back at Sam, realizing he had zoned out.

"- Is that alright?" Sam asked.

'Huh' Colby signed, suddenly alert.

"I said that we should make an essay about school troubles to raise awareness towards the school?" Sam repeated, and Colby nodded.

The reason why Sam chose that topic, was because of what happened to Colby the other day and how the school didn't do anything about it, which made Sam super mad.

Colby didn't really think anything of it, but he knew why Sam wanted to do that topic just a bit.

So Sam started to jot down what they should put in their essay/project.


+few hours later+

Colby's phone screen lit up  showing a text from his mom, and he looked almost scared. 'I'm so sorry Sam, I've gotta get home'  colby quickly grabbed his backpack, and left before Sam got to say anything.

Sam noticed he had left his jacket, and he just shrugged it off. Sam did a little more of the essay, just finishing a sentence, and soon put it away.

Sam glanced at the jacket and smiled.

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