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I was putting back the black thongs he once gifted me.

“Since it’s been three year, I was thinking…”

He paused. His deep husky voice brought shivers to my spine. My thongs wet even after four hours of “our time.”

“Gosh! Have I told you how beautiful you look Maya?”

Of course, I would look beautiful to any male werewolf. I am naked, only a undersized black thongs covering up my vagina.

He is just any-other male. I continued putting back my bras. I wasn’t curious to what he wants to say next or what he is thinking. When it comes to me, its only sex he thinks about. That’s the only thing I am sure about him.

“Since it’s been three years and we are mates. Would you like to be in a romantic relationship with me?”

I was shocked. But my face didn’t show that emotions. I looked numb. Three years with him and you would know why I have learned to mask my emotions. The only action which showed my shock was the fact I couldn’t tangle the hooks of my bra.

I looked up to him. His body looked as if it’s made of marbles. The sweats making his tanned toned muscle glisten. His eyes black as his sinful heart. Any woman would melt at the sight of him.

I was, once, like those women.

I could see his confidence. But that didn’t matter. He was always confident even in worst case scenario. I have never seen the man break or crumble or beg. He isn’t capable of it. His bloodline is such, I guess.

I sighed.


I replied as though someone is asking for a pencil and I said no.

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