episode 24: in our blood

Start from the beginning

"The company is at it's lowest. Can you blame us for finding someone more competent?" Mr. Choi defended himself.

Sitting at the far end of the long conference table was the Chairman, Kim Seokjin with the odds at 62 to 38 against his replacement. How it happened? Simple.

Kim Seokjin himself convinced the other directors his competence and dedication for the company. It may not seem like he is but he's quite a good negotiator. He can be charming and cunning too, if needed. He's a Kim. It was in his blood.

Afraid of what would happen to him, Mr. Choi immediately defended himself to save face. And to save his position. Jin just scoffed and laughed.

"I understand, Mr. Choi," he said as he turned to him. "You were just concerned for the company. Change can be a bit scary too."

"Yes," Mr. Choi said shocked but nonetheless agreeing to whatever his new boss says. "Of course. But now that we see your dedication, I'm confident that the board has made the right decision of letting you stay in the position."

The corner of Jin's lip raised as he turned towards the other members of the board. Some—majority were Mr. Choi's croonies, nodded agreeing to their leader.

"Since we're all here, I'd also like to make an announcement," he said. "Effective today, I am relieving Mr. Choi from his position as director."

"What?!" The old mam roared as he shot up on his feet. "You can't do that to me—"

Jin just smirked before signaling two of his secretaries to hand out folders.

"These are the summarized financial reports for the last two years of YK. We might not be the top company but our sales was twice the past year. So why did our stocks go down?"

He then turned to Mr. Choi.

"I have found out that someone has been manipulating stocks for years," he stated with a smirk. "Inside those folders include evidences of stock pooling, market ramping and stock bashing damaging the company's image and local stock market."

And as if on cue, a group of detectives and some police, walked in the conference room with a warrant at hand.

"Mr. Jeremy Choi. You are requested to present yourself to court on charges of market manipulation as identified by Alistair Förger, trader for FK Financial, as the mastermind for said crime. You are also charged for three other charges—"

"This is absurd! You can't just—ya! I have the right to call my lawyer! I'll sue all of you!"

But the old man couldn't have done anything as he was dragged by the policemen outside of the conference room. Namjoon, still a son, bowed to Jin before going after the uniformed men. He stood up and left the room. Lisa followed suit.

"Where's my brother and what have you done to him?" She teased as they walked the empty hallway back to his office. "You looked so cool back there. But how did you know about the market manipulation? I have my own traders but they didn't see it—"

"I've been trading since I was thirteen, Li, in case you forgot," he said smiling. "All of you blamed me for the plummeting stocks, even Jisoo. But I was actually in the middle of investigating it. It didn't help when your article came out 'coz that didn't strengthen our case since it was actually true."

"So that's why you were so pissed at me?" she said in awe. "But you said it was my fault. You said that the bad publicity was what made the stocks go down—"

"Because our reputation wasn't that good to begin with," he explained. "Mr. Choi was actually paying reporters to dig dirt on our family as well as pay some tech influencers to write bad reviews about YK Electronics. I know stock bashing wasn't as bad as pooling in the olden days but now? Bad rep is bad rep in the business world."

Lisa smiled. Who knew her brother can kick ass like that? She was pretty convinced she's the only wicked third gen kid. It seems like they were two.

"So will you still ask Santa to make you an only child?" Jin asked as he put his arm around his sister.

"Well, getting all the toys this Christmas would be awesome though."


"I can walk, Tae," Jennie repeated for the nth time. "It's not that big of a deal. I get sprained a lot and still wear high heels—ya!"

With one swoop, Jennie was already being carried bridal style by her fiancé. It didn't help that almost all employees in the lobby of Park Holdings' building is staring at them.

"You've been through a lot and the cast was just removed yesterday. And you have the audacity to go against your soon-to-be husband's orders not to come to work today," he said as he ignored all eyes on them as he walked towards the elevator. "So you have no right to stop me from doing what I think is best for you."

"Ugh. I can't with you Kim Taehyung," she said rolling her eyes at him. Then her gave landed on her secretary—and also close friend, Irene. She immediately hid her face on the crook of Taehyung's neck in embarrassment.

"Good morning, Miss Park," she greeted not a tad bit surprised with her current situation. "Good morning, Mr. Kim."

"Hey Irene," he greeted slightly tilting his head. "Sorry about this. Your boss is being her usual stubborn self so I had to do something."

"She does need to be taught a lesson, Sir," she said after chuckling a bit as she pressing the elevator's button for them. Jennie was still hiding her face.

"You're a piece of shit, Taehyung," she muttered making Irene smile.

"No need to be embarrassed, babe," Taehyung teased. "Miss Bae is very much accustomed to our PDA's."

As the elevator's door opened, Taehyung stepped in. The secretary didn't.

"You're not coming with us?" he asked to which she shook her head saying no.

"I'll take the next one," she answered smiling. "I'll clear Miss Park's schedule for the morning too after I prepare some morning snacks. I'll divert all incoming calls to the managing team. I'll also guard the door... just in case."

This made Taehyung smile.

"Thanks Irene," he said. "You're the best. Raise her salary, will you babe?"

"I'll tell the HR," Jennie muttered still too embarrassed to show her face as the elevator doors closed.

Irene's smile slowly faded. Five years. She waited for five years to get to where she is right now and soon enough, she'd get find out what really happened to her sister.

"Sooyoung-ie... Eonnie's gonna make them pay."


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