We didn't go into any deep topics, just shared laughter and memories. By almost 11 o'clock, we were signing off of the phone.

By the time the weekend swung around I was exhausted. Not only because I've been having to get up early every single day, but also because of the work I put in at work is tiring itself. I called Lira on my lunch break to see if she could come pick me up, but she's tied up at work herself so I guess an Uber it is. I would've asked my mom, but she's been busy out with her guy friend.

I want to eventually get a car so I won't have to rely on Uber's or one of my family members to hopefully pick me up. I'm just scared, I don't want to make one wrong move and end up back in a coma but this time not wake up from it.

When my ride arrived I got into the backseat and buckled myself in. Anyone that sits in the front with their Uber driver is weird, I said what I said.

I thanked the driver once we pulled up in front of my mothers' home. Would you believe that my mother was home the entire time?

I went inside to hurriedly take a shower before Chris dropped the kids off. As I walked up the stairs, my mom called me back down.

"Yes?" I asked, walking into the kitchen

"Are the kids coming this weekend?" She asked

"Yes, Chris and I agreed to them spending every weekend with me."

"That's great, how are y'all doing?" She asked

"The kids and I? We're doing great, Milani's birthday is—"

"I'm talking about you and Chris." She said

"Oh, well, we're doing fine, this coparenting thing we came up with has been going pretty well to my surprise." I said

"I'm glad it is, and I'm glad someone has forgiven him because it'll take me a while to forgive him." She explained

I propped against the wall, "Exactly why do you not forgive him just yet? I mean, I know you said it was because he was deciding to pull the plug but I'm here now so there's no need to be angry about that."

"It's deeper than that. He knew how I felt about him taking you off of life support, he knew how I felt about you as a whole, he knew I'd be mad about it. Chris and I had long hour talks many nights so for him to make that decision hurt me."She sternly said

"But, mom, he was paying out of pocket to keep me there. The longer I was there the higher it'd be." I calmly said

"Nope— not trying to hear it." She cut me off

"Both you and Lira are my world, and if there's a way to keep both of you here forever, I would do just that. My love for the both of you is an unconditional and unexplainable love, and no one— not even Chris would be able to understand the pain I held in my heart every time I came to the hospital and you weren't awake, I always had faith you would wake up though," she paused

"But mom he held on for three years, I could understand why his hope went away." I replied

"And mine never did, though in reality most people don't make it past two weeks in a coma but I held onto hope for not one but three years, and not only because you're my daughter but there was something inside of me that told me to never lose hope, therefore," she paused again to check on the cake she put into the oven

"I didn't want him to take you off of life support, it hurt me to see that he would think to do that. Granted, there wasn't really any signs that pointed to you getting up but he didn't understand the hope I had, and as you can see I wasn't wrong,"

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