Breaking These Walls~Chapter Twenty Five

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*Maggie's POV*

"I'm gonna take Carl back to the farm. Rick is probably losing his mind."

Glen was sitting beside me on the steps. Beth had wandered off a while ago, most likely trying to check to make sure everyone was okay. Or just getting away. She seemed to do that a lot.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? What if there's an emergency with Sapphire?"

"I think it's a little late to worry about an emergency." His face clouded when he said that. I grabbed his face and focused his eyes on mine.

"Glen. I know the last few days have been hard. I hated being separated from you. You're my everything. I know you can handle this. After everything, I know you can."

We kissed. It wasn't like our usual kisses. This one was deeper, more emotional than the others. My heart felt like it was gonna burst when I pulled away from him to look into his eyes.

"Seriously though. I have got to get back to the farm. We don't need Rick tearing that wound open again. We all know he wouldn't hesitate." If there's one thing you can say about Glen, its that he's very hard headed.

A scream errupted from the cabin behind us. I bolted to my feet. Glen was already up the stairs, throwing the door wide open.

Daryl was sitting beside Sapphire's still body. He was sweating really bad. His clothes were soaked, and his hair was dripping.

"What the hell, Daryl?"

"Get out! Go away!", Daryl yelled.

"What's wrong with you?", I asked.

"I said, GET.OUT." Daryl was pissed. What could have happened?

We closed the door behind us. Okay, then.

About fifteen minutes later, Glen had the search party standing around the pile of ashes that had been a fire only a little while ago. Everyone was going through weapons, handing some to Carl, Glen, and Beth.

"Okay, everyone. We're going back to the farm. We need to let everyone know what has happened. I need you to hold down the fort here. Which shouldn't be too hard, considering this place is locked down pretty tight."

I remembered telling Glen a long time ago that he was a leader. It had been shortly after we found out Lori was pregnant. I had been so mad that day. I had finally been faced with the truth that walkers were no longer people. They were dead things.

"Tyreese, Maggie, Carol." We stepped forward when he said our names. "I need you to stay near the cabin. If anything happens and you need to get out of here, or Sapphire..."

I don't think any of us had the strength to say what we all feared.

"Someone needs to be there.", he continued. "Someone needs to be there to help."

*Daryl's POV*

It had been a dream. It had all been a damn dream. I couldn't help the relief running through my veins. Sapphire was alright.

I pressed my fingers to the inside of her wrist. There was a steady beat there. It was stronger than what it had been earlier.

I checked on the place where her head had been bleeding. There was still some blood oozing out of the wound. Thank God it was getting better, too.

I stood up with my crossbow slung over my shoulder. I didn't want to leave her lying there by herself. I didn't have much of a choice though.

There was still blood painting the ground outside, as well as the sides of the cabins. You could tell there had been a massacre. One that was well deserved.

Maggie was standing by the ashes chewing her fingernails. She was watching the trees like she was looking for something.


She turned. Surprise was written all over her face. "Is something wrong?"

"No," I answered. "I was just gonna go out for a hunt. Wanted to ask you if you could watch over Saph while I'm gone."

She bit her lip. "Can you ask Tyreese?"

"Why would he need Tyreese? Besides, he's busy." We both turned around.

Carol was standing there with her arms crossed. She had her eyebrow on the right side of her face raised. I hated it when people did that. Because I couldn't do it.

"I don't know that that's a good idea..." I trailed off. I wasn't exactly sure how to go about this. Was it bad that I thought Carol might try to hurt Sapphire?

"I told you. Tyreese is busy. So is everyone else in this camp. Now, unless you want Sapphire by herself, I'm the only option."

I stood there thinking. There was no way I was leaving Sapphire by herself. Then again, how could I leave her with somebody that might want to hurt her?

"Fine. Please watch her."

I turned away from them. The group needed food. We weren't about to go cannibal like the walkers, or the people we had just raided.

*Carol's POV*

I could see the distrust in Daryl's eyes. I hated seeing that look. Especially when it was directed at me.

Daryl had been everything to me since my husband had been killed. He had stood by me when I was tearing my dead husband's brains out. He had been there through losing Sophia, had been there through her death.

He had been there through everything. Now, I had pretty much lost him completely. This young girl that was probably ten or more years younger than him had showed up out of the blue, stealing him from me in a matter of moments.

I watched as Daryl walked into the trees. Every time he went out, I hoped he would be okay. Which seemed pointless. We all knew that he was gonna be the last man standing.

Pretty soon I was making my way to the cabin. When I got into the room, Sapphire was still knocked out.

I closes the cabin door behind me. Let's just say it wasn't easy refraining from smothering her with a pillow, or maybe stabbing her.

I did what I actually could do. I walked over to her bedside.

"You listen to me, Sapphire. If you hang on, stay away from Daryl. He's mine. Always has been, always will be."

Who was I kidding? I was basically talking to a corpse. She literally looked dead. Yet she still had a pulse.

What was it going to take to get rid of her?


Okay, short update guys. I thank you all for this amazing support. This story wouldn't have made it to 7,000+reads or gotten 100+ votes without you.

The other night I was thinking. What if Breaking These Walls had a prequel called Building These Walls?

Do you guys think I should write one? Please let me know.

Love you!!! :D


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now