The other world (p.2)

Start from the beginning

"The sisters have been teaching of the emperor poorly, I shall send my bishops to properly preach his glory!" Sebastian said.

Rory simply laughed.

"The report from Italica gave us an interesting set of information. Your body, acts as a gate way, to dead warriors, and you receive pleasure from their crossing. Sister Esmeralda also claims that a warrior on the other side, spoke the name of a ruinous god, and you stopped acting strange. It seems that ruinous powers have found a way across, would you have any information about this?" Sebastian asked.

"No, she knows nothing of the "ruinous powers"." Lelei explained.

"Then explain what she is. She worships a death god that I doubt is the Gog-Emperor by her attire, And from how the report reads, she seemingly worships a warp entity that has captured the minds of the other side of this gate. If I must, I am fully willing to send out the sisters to cleanse what filth is found! Starting with the brat!" Thorx commanded.

"Are you really that stupid!" Rory yelled.

Everyone looked in surprise, as she lifted her vail.

"I worship my lord, but not from being here, what I have heard in the temple, what I see here, there is little doubt of the true god of death, your Emperor." Rory said.

The Corporal and captain leaned forward.

"The only deaths I felt were ones that were done by bandits, those who worshiped my lord, but once your soldiers arrived, the deaths stopped and I felt a hollow vaccum that pulled their souls away. He took their souls to power his own will." Rory said.

"What!? How do you know of the Emperor's will?" Damos asked

"My body is connected to the souls of the dead, I can tell what dictates them when they are released from their bodies. And the souls do not lie, unlike with the the poorly built guidance you offer" Rory said.

"You...You Heretic! I have spent more decades following the priests, the deacons and the bishops than you have even been a thought!" Thorx yelled.

"You wouldn't be talking about me? Would you?" Rory asked, acting innocent.

"Yes, we are. It may be different over there, but here, we respect those of high birth and status. We are hold more status with age than you hold as a false priest!" Sebastian said.

Rory began to pull the ribbon off her axe, before Manmar intervened.

"I would wish to inform you, that Rory maybe the oldest person in attendance. And....may have more authority in terms of....death" He commented.

"Doubtable. Dragium is 640 standard years old, Damos is 725 years of age, and she looks like she's 13." Sebastian said.

"I am 961 of your years." Rory said, smiling.

"I am 165." Tuka said.

"15." Lelei said.

Lelei was brought back to the stand.

"Where I come from, humans live about 70 years. Most people in my world are humans. Tuka is an elf, amd they have incredible long life spans, they have a potential to live forever. Rory started as human, but stopped aging when she became a Demi-god, and Oracle, a demigod will abandon their body after a 1000 years, transforming into a spiritual apostle, and a god, she lacks a concept of life expectancy." Lelei explained.

"You are all dismissed." Thorx said, rubbing his head.

The group left and returned to the transport, heading into the hive spire. The girls looked scared, Rory holding onto Manmar's arm, as they got into a train.

"Sir, they are scared, something about an Abyss." Voxer said.

As the train shook, Rory grabbed Manmar's arm.

"Don't worry." He said.

"The under ground is Hardy's territory." Rory said.

"Hardy? What is he some king of the underground?" Manmar asked.

"She is crazy, she asked me to marry her 200 years ago, and won't stop, asking over and over and over again. I don't want to be close to her, especially now." Rory said.

"Then why are you holding onto him like a Ratling holds onto anything isn't bolted down?" Voxer asked, grumpy.

"So she won't come near me. She hates men, if I'm near you, she won't come near me." Rory said.

"You just want him for yourself." Voxer said.

The train stopped, and they were met by Lady Aresia.

"Interesting, using the train to escape somewhere?" She asked.

"No, I need to make a personal stop, and, chatter said the original location was, attacked, Arbites never reported in, so I diverted course. I switched to secondary squad vox frequency." Manmar said.

"We need to get out of here." Rory said.

The group had to leave, the train, as Crot had revealed to be carrying 5 det packs, and Lady Aresia had to dispose of them quickly. Crot took the easiest route and threw them onto the tracks. As they left a blast was heard and everyone turned to look at Crot.

"Attention: the train will not depart as damage has been found, repeat, the train is no longer in use due to damage of the track system." A voice said.

Heading out of the inner hive, they group stood and took a deep breathe in, relaxing.

"They don't like the underground, some one called "Hardy"rules it, suspected elf or oracle status. Investigation will occur upon return." Manmar said.

"Noted." Aresia said.

A man ran around a corner, and grabbed Rory's axe, only to fall and be crushed by the weight. Aresia's guard's bound and have a summery execution, before Aresia walked up, and grabbed the axe handle.

"I wouldn't do that." Manmar said.

Aresia looked up, trying to lift it, only to have her back pop out of place as she pulled.

"Get her to the hospital." Manmar ordered the 2 big idiots who where her guards.

"Where will we go?" Crot asked.

"As I said, I have a personal stop to make." Manmar said.

He turned to a large cathedral in the distance.

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