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"So, how have you been?" Seokjin sat down at his own desk not far from Yoongi's, "How have Soo-mi and Si-woo been? After their birthday party?" The older man's voice was gentle as to not irritate the shorter man with his questions. The trick is to approach him like an alley cat.

   Yoongi huffed, "well I feel like shit, but that pretty normal, and the clones are alright—I mean... as good as they can be after their mother showed up. I swear to god they're like rabid dogs whenever she's around." Yoongi chuckled, but Seokjin could hear how pained he sounded. The other man never meant for his kids to hate their mother. But after he told them the truth the twins grew pure resentment for the women that birthed them.

   They had both claimed that she was indeed not their mother and that the only person who has ever been their mom was Yoongi. Seokjin found it sort of amusing when the twins clung to their parent proclaiming that he was both an amazing mother and father. The older man couldn't disagree with them because they were right, the spent years with his children have made Yoongi softer and fiercer than ever. The duality of a single parent he guesses.

   "I was surprised she showed up after everything the twins told her the first time they met," Everyone who was invited to the party was peacefully talking with each other when suddenly there was a knock at the door, "I wasn't expecting Si-woo to slam the door in her face—with her being his mother and all that." Yoongi laughed, no pain.

   "They would've respected her if they saw her as a mom, I always found it odd that they never questioned why they didn't have one," it was true, the twins were always content with just their father. It was charming if anything when they claimed Yoongi as their mother. "I didn't expect her to keep pushing, though, her opening the door was a shock for everyone."

   One couldn't really blame a mother for wanting to see her children, but when those children hated their mother with the intensity of the fires in hell—well that's a completely different story, "you have to admit seeing her trying to get close to her kids was sort of nice?" Seokjin liked giving people the benefit of the doubt.

   Yoongi huffed, "problem is she's 10 years too late." Just as Yoongi finished talking the door was opened and a head of red hair poked in with glasses low on the person's nose.

   "Umm, Yoongi hyung?" Jimin, the receptionist looked uneasy, "there is someone here who wants to talk to you," he turned to presumably look back at the person, "like really wants to talk with you."

   Yoongi sat up straighter in his chair and Seokjin swiveled around one time before settling in on his desk, "let them in," the shorter man waved his hand at Jimin who nodded with a nervous lip bite before turning around and calling the person in.

   They were not expecting the person who walked in, not in the fucking slightest. It was silent—completely silent except for Seokjin's whispered 'speak of the devil and she shall appear,' Yoongi shot him a small glare. Jimin was still in the room, Yoongi didn't mind. If things got out of control he and Seokjin together would be able to defuse it.

   Yoongi spoke up first, "what do you need—"

   "I want custody of the kids—full custody I mean." The woman held her head up high with pride. Seokjin's mouth fell wide and Jimin gasped while he covered his mouth with a small but thick hand. "I want my children too Yoongi."

   "Ha-na," Yoongi stood up, "you can't come in here and demand full custody of the children I raised, you can't possibly be serious?" Yoongi looked pale, paler than usual.

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