I looked at the blonde girl from the corner of my eye.

It's probably her... She's gotta be Spider-Woman. No doubt about it. Probably from another dimension since this one already has Peter.

Sighing silently to myself, I turned my attention back to the screen. I placed my cheek against my palm as I continued picking out keywords and phrases from what she said. I made sure to make a mental note of every important detail she spoke about. The class continued until the bell rang. I quickly grabbed hold of my bag and slung it over my shoulder. As I was making my way out of the door, I put one of my earbuds in.


I turned my head to see the same guy I was sitting next to. Narrowing my eyes, I observed him closely without making it obvious. There was definitely something... off about him. 

Is he the original source...?

"You're new here too, right? We have that in common."

How does he know?

"Yeah. I am," I replied.

"That's cool. So, whatcha listenin' to?"

Tilting my head a little, I wondered why this guy asked these kinds of questions during the first few seconds of a conversation. But, I just rolled with it, answering his question. "Umm...[Favorite Song]. By [Artist(s) Name]."

"Oh! They have pretty good music."

"Yeah... They do."

As I made my way, he walked beside me, continuing to talk. "Have you heard Sunflower by Swae Lee?"

"Yeah," I said, nodding my head.

"I think he has some good music too. Oh. By the way, I didn't catch your name."

"M/n. M/n L/n."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Miles Morales."

"Well, Morales, it was nice meeting you, but I have to get going."

I turned my back to him and started walking off. "Okay," he said, slowing to a stop. "See you tomorrow?"

Turning my head towards him as I walked, I grinned. "Maybe."

I turned back around, continuing on my way to my dorm room.

Miles' POV

Without knowing it, a smile made its way onto my face.

M/n L/n, huh?

My smile still on my face, I made my way to my dorm. Sitting on the bed, I put my stuff down and took out my notebook. I drew in it a little before my thoughts went back to M/n.

There's something about him. But...I can't put my finger on it.

When I snapped out of my thoughts, I looked down at my notebook to see I had drawn his name in graffiti. Flustered by what I just did, I slammed it closed. After a while, I opened it back up. Now that I looked at it again... It actually wasn't bad. I didn't want to rip it out because of how cool it turned out. But still...

What if he finds out about it somehow and thinks I'm weird?!

I quickly ripped the page out and placed it in a folder, hiding it in a desk drawer. Unknowingly, a smile appeared on my face once again. I let myself fall back onto the bed.

Who knows...maybe I'll see him tomorrow.

M/n's POV


"How's it going at school? Did you find anything useful to help out with your situation?"

I quietly sat down on my bed so as to not wake up my roommate, who lay fast asleep. "Yeah, actually, I did. We were watching a documentary from Alchemax. This scientist lady from the video was talking about how different universes are going on at the same time. Could it be that someone or something messed with the universes and threw me into a random one?"

"It definitely seems like a possibility," Aunt May replied. "Anything else?"

"I'm definitely not the only one out of their own universe."

"You mean you already met the other Spider-person you were talking about?"

"I sensed something at this school. My senses haven't failed me before, so I'm positive there's a girl here who could be the Spider-Woman of her own universe."

"So, then... You're not the only one out of your universe, and we know that for a fact. It's possible there could be other people that are in the same situation as you. Who knows how many other Spider-Mans got zapped here."

 "And... there was something else..."

"What is it?"

"Actually... Nevermind. I'm not positive about the situation right now. I'll let you know once I'm 100% sure."

"Well, let me know as soon as you find out anything else. Good night, M/n."

"Good night."

I hung up the phone and placed it on the bed beside me. Running my hands through my hair, I let out a sigh.

I gotta find a way back... And fast...

Pushing the thought away for the moment, I changed my shirt and laid down on my bed with my hands under my head.

That guy...Miles, huh? He's interesting all right...

"See you tomorrow?"

Maybe... Just maybe...

𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙿𝙸𝙳𝙴𝚁𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙴Where stories live. Discover now