Chapter 1

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This is the story of Irina a 22 year old independent woman...

I'm from Upper east side Manhattan,New York. My bestie and I recently got a small apartment in Brooklyn I guess it was emotional for the both us leaving our parents especially my mom, I'm a mommy's girl. Anyway I also have a little sister named Ariana who's 16 can be annoying but I love her dearly.

I once had a passion in becoming a writer as it was a place I felt solace and tranquil.
I love to be creative, whether it was with my mind or making things using tools and equipments. You can call me an inventor! as that was my second choice in life to I'm a Capricorn what can I say I'm very determined and strive for my well earned hard work all those dreams came crashing down till that horrific, unforgettable day.

Flashback to 2003

Another day of hard work in the factory, it's true when they say 'you don't choose life, life chooses your destiny'
"Aaliyah hey girl how you been it's been a long time since I last saw you,"
" Girl it's been last two days", she laughed. Aaliyah is practically my sister from another mother she's been with me through thick and thin and I can't imagine life without her. "Boss just ordered another clothing line which means more stacking clothes in boxes, I can't wait till the day I leave this job and stick my middle finger up. It was nothing but misery my fingers were sore and pink from getting paper cuts and let's not even start on the break we have it's legit 30 minutes and 7 hours of non stop work.

"Well well, look who we have here Irina and her shadow". What do you want Madonna?
"Oh what could someone like me want from someone like me" as she flips her hair.
" Madrucula the ancient bitch, clearly you have time to hold a conservation which means you want something from her". Ladies and gentlemen, that's why Aaliyah is my sister she doesn't put up with bullshit and has no filter.
" I wasn't talking to you Aaliyah twig face"
"Listen, here heffa day one more thing about my homegirl or myself just no I'll spilt that ugly ass unibrow of your and show you what's up "
I hadn't even realised a whole crowd had formed, surprisingly I hadn't said a word but what I don't want is Joe biting our faces off with him constantly telling us off,.
'C'mon, Liyah she's not worth it and besides the last time Joe told you off he damn near well fired you let's go.
Oh look she can talk I was thinking those coy fish lips would be too big! I got up in her face " Marge, madrucla, or whatever the fuck your name is I see you have an obsession with my lips. Insecurity is real, just remember these "coy" fish lips are the lips you wish you had over drawing your lips looking like a damn killer clown and those dry roots hun let's not even start witch face"
I hadn't realised while I was ranting off, Joe and this other man who I assumed was Jewish and this other man were standing beside him. Who were they? and when did they creep in, I'm in for it God help me!
" Is this how you treat your colleagues Irina, that's extra boxes to stack and before you open your mouth Aaliyah you will be joining her"
This monster I despise he has to be the devil's spawn itself in disguise he's always sticking for Madonna , maybe the rumours are as I have heard from the girls in the workplace. There was a rumour Madonna sleeps with the boss that's why he is super defensive about her even when she is clearly in the wrong as always. She has this mindset just cuz she's Joe's side piece that she rules everyone . Sorry not included !

"Ladies, I have an announcement to make and I will be going off for a business trip for a while tomorrow morning* hoorah yay this is Christmas, anyways back to what the dog had to say, " before you ask who's gonna inspect the area, my son Michael will be in charge till I come back and his my friend who will also be observing and supervising with Michael, Robert Heller any questions" everyone nodded their heads.
I wonder if this Michael is going to be as monstrous as his father, I hope not we can't deal with another Joe or even more demonic version of Joe I just wanna save up enough money to move out of New York and move to LA and see if my future will be able to perk up.

How's the first chapter y'all! 😧

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