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Monroe's P.O.V

I was truly disgusted by what the young child told us. Turns out my brother was dating Grace's mother since she was a baby. She never knew her father and her mom was only young when she had Grace, so her family left her alone. When her mom died a year ago, she was put into foster care until my brother managed to gain custody of her. Despite not having a name on her birth certificate, my brother was the closest thing she had to family.

But I'm guessing he was going to give her to Hans after betraying his trust and falling in debt to him. It was awful to imagine. I wouldn't give up my children for anything.

We kept her with us and Leo called Christian and his men to come over. Noah and Kat both came over too and we discussed ways of keeping this child safe. Apparently Leo saw a shadow who he believed was James looking for Grace, giving us the perfect opportunity to track him using CCTV footage nearby.

After hours of searching, they finally found footage of James going to a dingy motel nearby showing he was still in the area. Christopher sent sixty of his men to the motel and surrounding area to find James and take him to his estate, it wasn't safe for James to come here.

It was now six in the morning and I headed upstairs to the guest bedroom to check on Grace. This poor young soul has been through hell yet she still seemed to be surviving. I had no idea how she was doing it.

Opening the door, I saw her eyes flutter over to me before she smiled slightly. I went in and perched on the edge of her bed. "Are you having a baby?" She asked and I chuckled. "I'm having two."

Grace smiled wider as she sat upright. "Are they a boy or girl? Or both!?" I giggled at her excitement and shrugged. "I don't know. Leo and I decided to wait and find out when they are born."

We sat and talked for a while about everything and anything. I heard the door open slightly as Leo popped his head round. "You girls okay in here?" He asked and I nodded, making him walk in and stand by us. "Are you going to make me go back?" Grace asked Leo and he glanced briefly at me.

"I don't think so. You're safer here for now so you can stay if you want." Leo told her, making her jump up from the bed. "Yes yes yes! Oh this is great! I'm going to tell Kat!!" She squealed and ran down the hall, calling for Kat.

I stood up and hugged Leo. "How could he do that to a young girl?" I asked as Leo tended up. "I don't know, amore. But it makes me want to kill him even more now. Well keep her safe. Noah already agreed that he and Kat can look after her for as long as they had to, so she's got somewhere to stay."

I smiled up at Leo, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "She reminds me of her.." he said. "My mother. Not just because they share the same name, but because she shares the same strength."

I caressed the back of his neck as we stood smiling at each other.

** Two Months Later **
Christoper and his men found no trace of James that day, leaving us with nothing once again. Grace went with Kat and Noah that night too, and has been living with them ever since. In fact, they've decided to keep her as their own child which made me so happy. They were both still planning on having kids of their own, but decided that Grace needed someone to call family. So now we have a new addition to our fucked up, yet fantastic family.

As for Leo and I, were still in the safe house. Although he told me it wouldn't be for much longer since he now had half the mafias in the world helping to find my father and James.

This morning we received a phone call from the Spanish mafia, saying they've spotted them getting off a plane that day. We knew they were hiding out in Spain, meaning it wouldn't be long until they were found.

I was officially 38 weeks pregnant, meaning I could have these babies at any time. Leo had flown out our doctor from back home the other day so her and her team were there ready for me to go into labour.

Me and Leo were now stood in the kitchen with Noah and Christopher as we discussed going home. "It won't be long now, tesoro." Noah stated. "There's hundreds of men heading for the warehouse right now, so we'll have them shortly."

I was beaming, excited at the thought of going home again. It was officially boring the crap out of me just sitting in this damn house for months.

We finished eating breakfast when Noah received a call.
"Hello? Yep. Okay. That's perfect. We'll see you tonight then. Thankyou."

He hung up the phone and sat there nonchalantly whilst we all Waited for him to speak. "Oh yeah, they've got them. They're heading back home now."

I jumped up in the air ecstatic at the news. That many I could go home. That meant my babies were safe. That meant..

Wait one fucking moment.

My eyes widened as I looked at a worried Leo. I shook my head, refusing to believe it was true until I looked down and saw it.

"I think it's time..."

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