DEV; Lavanya is your  friend

KHUSHI; she thinks am her friend and dev if all your going to do is talk about my gown and my showing up here in it…please leave

DEV; you just wanted to get back at him for something…right?? You wanted him to get into trouble with his wife…

KHUSHI; wow am convinced you do know me…

DEV; what did he do

KHUSHI; he lied that’s why

DEV; I always ask myself one question…if it hurts so much why do you bear it??...(he asks as he looks at the direction she is looking arnav and lavanya dancing together..)

KHUSHI; its because I can..

DEV; do you want to dance

KHUSHI; yes but with arnav not you

DEV; khushi you do realize he cant right??? The both of you are my friends but I failed to understand you

KHUSHI; do your self a favor and stop trying to understand my relationship with arnav…

DEV; arnav is still going to kill you for the scene you created especially in front of his family

KHUSHI; not if I kill him first…am tired its been a long day…(before she can stand up and leave arnav’s mother ratna has something to say to the couple so she stays to hear her speech…)

RATNA; am so happy today not only for myself but for my son as well as my daughter in law…today is their first anniversary and I couldn’t be more proud of my son…I wish you two nothing but happiness together…may you two always be together and thanks to all you for coming here to show your support…lets all raise our glasses and toast to arnav and lavanya…

RATNA; to arnav and lavanya…(she says as the guests at the party raise their glasses…up..khushi raises her glass up but drops it…on the ground on purpose…which grabs everyone’s attention…every
one turns but dev is in front of khushi as a shield…

The following day…
There it goes again that loud bang on the door of her room; ignore it maybe it will go away….that sounds like a more reasonable thing for khushi to do as she tosses around in her bed but it just gets louder becoming unbearable for her so she jumps out of her bed…it could be only one person at her room right now..she opens the door only to meet angry eyes …

ARNAV; why??...(He asks as soon as khushi opens the door of her bed room

KHUSHI; you know its considered rude in some cultures not to say good morning to someone you absolutely have no idea of how they slept

ARNAV; why…(he asks again..)

KHUSHI; why what??

ARNAV; don’t act ignorant

KHUSHI; am not acting, am really ignorant of your why?? You show up at my house in my room and ask me why?? What am I supposed to could be asking me why I took long to open or why I was still asleep at this time of the hour…

ARNAV;why did you show up dressed like that

KHUSHI; when??

ARNAV; khushi

KHUSHI; oh you mean at your anniversary party…arnav you came all the way just to ask me why I showed up dressed…did you want me to show up naked…(she continues feigning her ignorance and arnav is trying his best to lose control over his anger..)

ARNAV; why did you put on Lavanya’s gown

KHUSHI; I wasn’t wearing her gown arnav, she was wearing her’s remember

ARNAV; I mean why did you wear an exact same replica of her dress damn it…(he finally snaps…)

KHUSHI; in my defense my gown had no straps…(She says and arnav runs his fingers in his hair frustrated at her answers…

ARNAV; you knew she was going to put on that gown

KHUSHI; no I didn’t

ARNAV; do you expect me to believe that

KHUSHI; am not expecting you to believe me arnav that’s up to you…the gown I chose to wear was for a client right?? Isn’t that what you told me when I found you sketching it

ARNAV; I didn’t tell you it was for lavanya because I figured you would react this way

KHUSHI; so lying to me was the best solution…

ARNAV; khushi yesterday was our anniversary and she is my wife…I had to gift her something and it was that gown

KHUSHI; and me did you get me a gift

ARNAV; khushi

KHUSHI; I mean its also been one year ever since I became your mistress so where is my gift…wait how stupid of me…happy belated anniversary arnav…you got lavanya a gown and for me nothing…its actually been a year since I became the significant other

ARNAV; I should be the one angry with you but you know how to turn tables khushi; would it kill you to trust the love I have for you…honestly am getting tired of trying to prove myself to you…why are you always this insecure… I know its hard loving me but

KHUSHI; your right it is hard loving you…especially since your married but do you know what's harder?? It’s not loving you…heck yes loving arnav singh Raizada is hard but its even harder not loving you …if i could stop myself from loving you I would but since I can’t am okay with this fate…I will always be the other woman and you and I will always be a secret…but if you think I regret doing whatever I did last night I don’t …I cant help myself…you think I don’t trust you…I do more than anybody I trust you and the love we share…but there is lavanya your wife…she is your wife and even if you don’t love her she is still your wife while i am..who am I to you arnav? I was addressed as your wife yesterday and even if it was by mistake I felt happy…it kind of reminded me a dream I had once…but I know its always going to be a dream…and please next time don’t knock you have the keys to the bedroom just open the damn door…you  disturbed my sleep

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