I was seated on the grass, leaning by an apple tree as I gazed out around the lovely garden. The sounds of birds chirping echoed through my ears, creating a beautiful tune that I hummed along to.

It was awfully quiet around my estate.
I only had Alastor around but he was very busy with preparing things and cleaning.
I had hired other servants in the past but they were all deemed untrustworthy rather quickly. Why you may ask?

A couple months ago I had hired a chef, gardener, maid and  a butler but I had caught them trying to steal money and jewellery from my room and safe. I was lucky that Alastor caught them before they actually took anything... He 'took care of them' and from then on I wouldn't hire anymore servants.
I would only have Alastor... I do feel a little bad that it was only him doing all the chores here and there but I try to help him through my mostly busy schedule.

"Mistress, you have received a letter from her majesty."

Alastor's voice interrupted me as he came walking towards me with a letter in hand.

"Oh?" I stood up from the grass, brushing off any dirt that had gotten on my plain f/c dress before picking the letter up from Alastor's hands.
I tore it open then read what was inside.


Hello my dear Y/n.
It is so good to be writing to you once again. Although this is an urgent case that I would love you to handle, I knew your parents had served me greatly before their deaths and they wanted that role to be passed down to you.
You. Y/n. Are my butterfly, so do please help with this case;

There have been a string of murders lately, and it is quite gruesome. Prostitutes have been murdered and their bodies have been left mutilated almost beyond recognition.
Most of their reproductive organs have been removed and the killers distinctive way of killing has earned the unique name 'Jack the Ripper' so I'm begging you to help solve this case. It grieves me greatly to see my people dying.

Signed, Queen Victoria


Huh... Jack the Ripper, eh?

"I have a case on my hands... Alastor. Please do search around town for any information about this 'Jack The Ripper' since I have little knowledge about him." I ordered Alastor as he gave a bow and began to walk off to investigate more further in.

I looked back at the letter and re-read it. I rubbed my eyes and stared carefully at the bottom piece of the paper.

You shall also be working with
my Guard Dog on this case if
you do not mind.

The Queen's guard dog? Never heard of him before... Well of course I wouldn't know him since I had been closed from the world for many years because of him.

I shivered at the thought of him. He was a disgusting man that Alastor saved me from when we formed a contract together...
I removed the black scarf that covered my neck as my hand hovered above my sternum.

I pressed down on my skin as a mark appeared on me, the mark that seals the contract Alastor and I had made...
I gazed up at the sky as the clouds began to stir and turn dark.

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