The Pain that Made Her Beautiful Ch2 (E)

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Nayeli was so frustrated. Every time she would use some new form of distraction to attempt to escape, she would make it to the threshold to the alleys beyond, when, the same man that used his strength and agility to capture her the first time, would step in front of her, throw her over his shoulder, and stalk back to the others. Thereafter, he would toss her down, and every time she would land in the exact same position, on the same place, so that Nayeli was sure that she would have a big and swollen bruise on her rump by the next morning. After dropping her, and adding to her already sore and hurting backside, the German would stomp on the ground and say loudly, “Have you seen the girl? Oh, yes, you let her escape. I brought her back, again. Next time, I will not be so gracious.”

Every time he would say those words, Nayeli couldn’t help but giggle to herself at the scrambling men that were fussing, all over her not staying put. Honestly, why would I want to stay here when there is so much amusement to be had by me simply walking away? A small, bemused smile cajoled its way across her lips at this thought as she made more plans to escape.

Nayeli couldn’t believe that all of her momentary stupidity at being sure that their route to Aquileia would be safe had turned in to such a mess. After all, she hadn’t the slightest idea if she would even make it out of this place alive, or live to see the next day of the very thing she called “her life”. Five to seven guards now surrounded Nayeli, and there were two posted at every threshold to all the alleys beyond, just a precaution, as the big man who had captured her called it.

There was no possible rhyme or reason that could explain this Nayeli wasn’t able to understand why these Germanics went through all this: keeping her at bay and not just leaving her go in peace. All she wanted was to go, to live and let live, though she didn’t know if she would even live if they left her alone.

It was almost dark and Nayeli knew that the Deangelos would assume her long dead and go on with out her if she failed to show before morning of the next day. I’ll make my escape tonight. It will be the last thing that they’ll see coming. Plus, I have the advantage of knowing this terrain much better than almost anyone. This was true. Nayeli did know the terrain better than these Germanics, but she also knew it better than many of the townspeople.

With that very thought, Nayeli resigned herself to waiting for the sun to set and the unnatural and alien colors of deep dusk to take hold. She would wait for the men to sleep and then escape through the shrubbery and trees near the eastern most edge of town.

To her detriment, Nayeli had misjudged all the facts. As the party of men began to move out of the garden square, they put ropes around her wrists, preventing her from running as fast. They walked through the town, and the men formed a tight circle around her to try and keep her from running.

Nayeli walked slowly, hampering their plans of a quick jog back. Nayeli did this in small ways, like recalling a funny or moving story every time that they passed a house of a family that she was familiar with. Nayeli recalled a story that almost distracted them enough to make a quick run for it. The story was about a young boy, no older than seven or eight, at the time, who decided to go with a friend down to the banks of the small river outside of town to see if they could catch a few creepy crawlers that he and his friend could use to scare their sisters. The boy’s name had been Rudolfo, Rudie for short.

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