// Part 2 \\ always worth it

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Everyone finished and was allowed to go home. I changed and grabbed my bag. What is kanna. How did she help me in the exam? Does the school know? I sure hope they don't, I fell forwards when something, or someone, ran into me. "Sorry." It was kanna. Kanna got off me quickly and held a hand to help me up. I sighed and grabbed her hand, she pulled me up. "So where are we going?" She asked walking beside me.

"We?" I asked attempting to make eye contact with her. "Well we're partners now. Once you get a matching score you're partners and go to the same school to either stay partners, or go solo." Kanna explained. "I think I would rather go solo." I said rolling my eyes. She stopped for a moment before catching back up with me. "Come on Kito aren't we friend now?" Her question made me stop.

Two loners becoming friends? It was one conversation, and she helped me once. How is that friendship. I turned to Kanna, "to be partners we need the same beliefs. Tell me what you're goal is?" I stated confusing her slightly. "My goal is to find out what happened to my uncle." Uncle? Why did he die in war or something?

"No, I think the government had something to do with it. After one night a talked about someone else also being g a dragon child—children." Kanna turned to me. "You're that someone else." Me? I don't even know what a dragon child-children is. I'm sure as hell ain't one. I'm an ordinary guy, living an ordinary life with super heroes.

Kanna pursed her lips, she grabbed my hands stopping me. "You'll get the dream soon. Don't worry." She then let go of my hands and went to the next house down. Wait she's my neighbor? This sounds like some classic love story. I walked into my home and was greeted by silence. Aunt May must be out again.

After my parents died I was adopted by my mother's sister, aunt May. I grabbed some milk from the fridge and poured it into a bowl. Cereal for dinner beats anything. I ate my 'dinner' watching tv. The news was boring until they played my exam. I groaned going to shut it off until they showed Kanna's test. I watched her test this time, it was a lot more challenging than mine. The winter weather and the wolves, then for a giant dragon to appear. I don't even see how kanna defeated the wolves but then she removed her blind fold. The camera never showed her eyes, her face slightly glowed. Was this her power?

I turned the TV off. It has been a long day of craziness, might as well get ready for bed. It wasn't long before I fell asleep. I guess Kanna was right about the dream. I woke in a field, the grass leaned over as the breeze pushed it with its powerful blow. It was peaceful, I wanted to live here forever. The soft sound of a violin caught my attention. I turned towards the sound. It was Kanna, she didn't have her blind fold on. Her eyes were closed as she swayed with the beat. She wasn't alone. Another girl, blonde hair and a flute played along with her. Next to the girl was a boy. He laid under a tree eyes closed.

Kanna opened her eyes and turned to me, her eyes were different one was a ocean's blue, the other a ruby's Red. Both colors were soft with her dark brown hair. I shook my head, is this the dream she meant? Kanna smiled she handed the violin to the girl and ran over to me, trapping me in a hug. "I knew it." She whispered. Knew what? That'll I'll have this weird dream—is this another test? Kanna let go of me and grabbed my hand. She dragged me to the other two that were with her.

"This is Jack," kanna pointed to the boy, the boy waved at me sluggishly before laying his hand behind his head once more. "That's Lilly." The blonde girl smiled and handed Kanna her violin. "This is Kito." The two turned to me slightly analyzing me. I became self conscious and started to look at my feet. Wait, I was in different clothes, my once Star Wars shirt, was now an old fashioned tunic. My basketball shorts, now brown pants. I took time to look at the others this time, they were also wearing these old fashioned clothes. Except theirs weren't brown.

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