|38|Missed my chance|

811 30 3

| Ember |

Song: Still Into You - Paramore

We sat at a big round table at the pizza place.

"Enjoying your birthday then?" Cass asks.

"I love it." I smile. "It's better without my parents." I haven't told them that my parents and Elliot keep trying to call me. I've put my phone on silent for now. We order and start to randomly talk about things.

"So, Em, any of Jack's rockstar friends that you like?"

"Cass! Gross."

"Vic Fuentes, remember?" Alex teases.

"Vic Fuentes? He's engaged to Jaime Preciado's best friend, right?." Cass sounds like she's melting.

"Marriage." I shiver. If I hadn't have been to that concert, I would've ended up marrying Matty. Ouch.

"Marriage is sweet." Cassie smiles.

"It's really not."

"You just need to find the right guy." Cass surrenders her hands in the air. Rian takes one and kisses it. I roll my eyes. Love. No. Not at the moment. No one appeals to me.

Apart from Alex. A voice says in the back of my head.

What's the fuck? I swear that wasn't me that said that. I swear.

| Alex |

I laugh to myself.

Ember is right. Marriage is weird. I would've ended up marrying Poppy if Ember wasn't at the concert, not saying that I'm going to marry her, it's just she's turned things around. More than that. Flipped it, turned it and twisted it. That's all we are. Twisted.

Ugh. Just friends, in a twisted way.

We eat our food and I think. Yes, I actually think. It is just random thoughts. But I realised, I wanted Ember again.

What's wrong with me? She doesn't want me.


We get home and I'm really tired. I'm normally all for drinking, but I'm tired. Ember also wanted to get back for all the little kids who go trick or treating. She's really sweet.

She pours the candy in a bowl as soon as she gets home, then leaves it by the door.

I take off my shoes and relax.

"Jack, you can't answer the door because you'd scare the poor little darlings with your ugly mask.." She thinks. "I mean face."

"You can't be a bitch because it's your birthday." He jokes.

"Both of you, just get drunk I don't care."

"If you say so sis." Jack nods to me and we run to the fridge. Ember is laughing at us. I shrug and open a bottle of beer.

The doorbell rings and Ember opens it to 3 little kids.

When she closes the door, she smiles. "Aww, they're so cute! Kids are just.... Aww."

"Calm down." Jack says.

"They're kids and they're just...awww." She says again. Jack grabs her by the wrist, sits her down and covers her hand with his mouth, still while drinking. I start to laugh.

"Shit!" Jack shouts. "She bit me!" Ember laughs really hard.


It's getting really late and no one else has rang the doorbell. Jack is passed out on the couch. Ember is taking pictures of him.

"I better go to bed."

"Me too." I look at the coffee table, most of the beer bottles are Jack's. "Night then, Em."

"Night Alex."

"Did you have a nice birthday?"

"I loved it." She smiles. We are inches apart. I could close the gap. There's an awkward silence. "Goodnight." She disappears into her room. I missed my chance.

Great going Alex. If I would've manned up, I could've kissed her.

I go into my room and sigh.

I'm useless. If I don't make a move soon, I'll have no chance.

Yeah, no chance at all.

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